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Saturday, January 13, 2018

This is the most pathetic armed robbery in the history of crime..


  1. Proves you can't fix stupid.
    I wonder if he's an NRA member?!

  2. Did you see that racist cop point a gun on him? He was just shopping to get ready for college.

  3. That is just about all you can expect from this punk. I don't need to mention race or hoodie, it would be stereotyping. And we all know that is not allowed. Shooting up a place is okay, but no stereotyping.

  4. So this pathetic thug ends up on his knees begging for help when all else fails. What a waste of fresh air every time he takes a breath.

  5. Too dumb to think there's a fire exit with panic bar in the back, LOL!

  6. He will be voting for Okra Winfrey in the upcoming election!!!Ray!!!

  7. But he said he was sorry and didn’t haff nuffin’

  8. She gonna be your next POTUS, Ray!

  9. Sounds like a Haitian. Should of set the store on fire instead of opening the door. Yes a little harsh but he will never rob again. Just a matter of time before he kills.

  10. Typical of his pathetic culture.

  11. She hasn't even shown any interest in running 3:47. Just desperate sheep knowing nothing, want her in. Same idiots that wanted Hope and Change. They got it too, not what they wanted though. Anyway, don't be concerned about this one being in the White House, she wouldn't make a pimple on President Donald J. Trump's backside.


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