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Monday, January 08, 2018

"The people of Texas certainly don't want a wall."


  1. For the life of me, I cannot understand why FOX News would invite O'Malley. As Trump told O'Malley so eloquently during the Presidential debates, O'Malley doesn't deserve to be up on the debate stage AT ALL!! His track record speaks for itself, and even as Baltimore was burning down (O'Malley was off visiting Ireland) the Baltimore officals were telling O'Malley to stay the _ _ ll away - as he was part of Baltimore's problem.

  2. America, (OVERWHELMINGLY) emphasis added- wants a wall built to separate the US from Mexico.

    There are approximately 330 million Americans. From that number there are approximately 50 million undocumented aliens (although IMHO I believe there are more). If the rest of America knows what's good for them they'll build the wall, otherwise, we'll become yet another 3rd world slum Country - and we are not all that far from that now!!! If the Democrats (O'Malley included) don't want that then it's our 'Red Blooded American Right' to see that they are removed from office.

  3. I think O'Malley believes that if he continues to tell the same lies over and over that someday someone will believe him. He is wrong on every issue. He should be embarrassed.

  4. How in the hell does a former governor from Maryland know what Texans want? Even as governor, he didn't speak for me or the working class, or the people of the Eastern Shore. He should just go away and work for the Clinton Foundation. Maybe, with luck he could be charged with them for corruption and they could all be locked up together as one big happy family!

  5. 4:59 you are an absolute idiot lol. No way your assumptions are correct. Stick to your corner of hillbilly heaven

  6. Beat me to it 5:52. He is totally clueless when it comes to what working class people really want. He never knew what marylanders wanted. How in the hell does he think he knows texans. He might know what good For russia but not USA.

  7. Another Democrat for destroying America!


  8. Mister Out-of-Touch claims to speak for Texans?

    Is there anything this clown won't say to get attention?

    Is Mister 2% going to run again?



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