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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Media Are Still Covering For Obama

Establishment Media Bury Obama-Farrakhan Photo

The establishment media is ignoring a scandal that could damage former President Barack Obama’s legacy.

A new photo has emerged that shows Obama smiling with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of a black nationalist hate group, at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005. Obama was a senator at the time. Farrakhan is the longtime leader of the Nation of Islam, which even the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has said is an anti-Semitic, anti-white hate group.

A journalist for a Nation of Islam publication, Askia Muhammad, took the photo but suppressed its publication for 13 years in order to protect Obama’s presidential aspirations. Now, establishment journalists refuse to even cover the photo’s existence, in effect suppressing the photo for a second time.



  1. Black men are so powerful, they can't even take a picture together without drawing national media attention. #blackpower

  2. So if it was just a picture of two black men, and nothing more, why was it hidden from public view for so long? Another work of liberal politics as usual.

  3. Read:
    The media still works for the same people Barry worked for.

  4. Biased & Slanted Media ....bought & paid for by Dems !!!

  5. What we have learned about him since he lost office has made me disrespect him and the way he defends not the victims of crimes but the abusers and killers in this country. He does not respect our 1st responders at all.

  6. The media was ordered by the organization that actually runs America to cover it up, or the owners are members of it. It is going to come to light under Trump. That's why they fear him so much. He is going to find out what has been going on in government. Right now their hands are tied, with President Trump in office. Lot more to come. Might have to build a new prison to hold them all.


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