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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Stay Off The Roads This Morning If You Can, Icy Conditions

Side roads are icy and have black ice in spots. Stay on the state roads. SHA was out salting this morning. Wicomico County is out salting the main roads this morning as well. 


  1. Ocean Pines and 589 are a sheet of ice

  2. Not good out. Drive slow.

  3. But but the commenters on the school cancelation post were just griping about school being canceled and they know all!

  4. We ain't worries about the rich kids in the county. My kids need to get to school for there free breakfast and lunches.

  5. Haven't seen a county truck yet
    Naylor Mill closed for accident

  6. Maybe 8:41 should get a job and feed their own kids. Not us taxpayers.

  7. I watched someone slide and slam into snow mound on side of main road in Salisbury. I was behind them quite a bit and slid a good 15 yards. Its pure ice in some places. This was right near PRMC

  8. Mayor Day,

    When will my street be plowed?

    1. Riverbank Road is plowed....where his parents live.
      Go figure.

  9. live on marlynn dr Delmar plow been down my street 3 times already great job county

  10. Tell it to my company. They'll take a vacation day away from me, or just not pay me, if I don't show up to work due to the weather. Even if the company closes due to the weather, they have the same policy. It a big company too. The bigger they are on the shore, the less they care about their employees safety. Can't wait to retire.

  11. The local idiots didn't stay off the roads during the blizzard.

  12. All roads including state roads were crappy and full of ice this morning.

  13. and what did you expect 3:27 ...first the winds continued to cover ALL roads as soon as they were plowed and now as it rained and slowly melted it turned into ice. Get a grip ...


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