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Monday, January 29, 2018

Sperry: FBI/DOJ and Mueller "Gonna be in a World of Hurt" Once Explosive FISA Memo Goes Public

Chairman Nunes compiled a 4 page memo detailing the FISA abuse that took place under the Obama administration.

The phony Hillary-funded Russia dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants in order to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Every House member who has viewed the FISA memo is in shock; Americans are demanding the FISA memo be released to the public.

Democrat hack Adam Schiff is panicking and created a ‘counter-FISA’ memo in order to combat Nunes.

Paul Sperry, reporter for The New York Post said his sources are telling him the FBI, DOJ and even FISC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) are all gonna be in a world of hurt once the 4 page memo is made public.



  1. So, now there's 4 people who wrote "Memos" ABOUT the original document that we MIGHT get to read?

    Skip all the extra homework and let WE, THE PEOPLE read ALL of it and make our OWN decisions!

    Oh, no, you have to TELL us what to think.

  2. I don't think I will live long enough to see them


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