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Saturday, January 27, 2018

SOROS THREATENS: Trump 'Will Disappear In 2020 Or Even Sooner'

“We must do something to push back against what’s happening here.”

On Thursday, far-left billionaire George Soros, who is the financial backbone of the Democratic Party, attacked President Donald Trump at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Soros, who spent millions backing failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, claimed that Trump was leading the world to nuclear war and that he is trying to establish a dictatorship in the United States, CNBC reported.



  1. If the lefty's want a war I promise you they will be very sorry. America will be great again even if we have to kill for it.

  2. I don't think this country will accept a Democrat for president anymore.

  3. The authorities should have Soros arrested for his threatening the President of the United States. And to do so on foreign land is unforgivable.

  4. It's likely that Soros will be shedding his mortal coil before Trump leaves office. He's not been looking too spiffy lately.

  5. Why hasn't this ashat been whacked???? Of course I could say that about some others as well.

  6. What an idiot. Saying anything they can to try and derail OUR President. Someone should take this scum bag out. And I do not mean to dinner.

  7. @6:54, They have no idea who they are fooling with.


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