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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Something Big Is Going Down On The Bypass Right Now


  1. Motorcycle accident with a car.

  2. Near what road exit?

  3. It's not on the bypass. It's at the 50E cross over to the 13S entrance of the bypass just after the Exxon. Traffic is bring detoured onto the 13S bypass. You can exit the 13SN bypass to 50E.

    1. Yea my fault told em near bypass n took pics but yes that is where it happend but not joes fault

  4. Must be free dough nuts at Krispykreme.

    1. I fight what you fear snowflake

    2. Look out for this tough guy

    3. 7:43- What the hell does that even mean?
      7:54- lighten up, it was obviously a joke. I didn't wish ill thoughts on anyone. You two are the snowflakes! Pull the stick out already!

    4. 7:43-So when did you and God get into it. You fight what I fear! Who won that one? Or was it a shark, tied to back of a gorilla, riding a lion? They're pretty scary too. I'm just showing how moronic your response was to a prototypical joke about cops. Get a life.

  5. Joe motocyclist got hit went 75 feet. pray for them

  6. 6:27 the one over by Denny's was shortly before 5:00 ... is this yet another one?

    6:54 - you're a real jerk. Hope you and your family/friends/loved ones don't face tragedy and someone like you shares like comments.

  7. Around 2PM there was a big something going on - un Eastern Shore Drive down by Vine St.

    I came out of Amce and went out that way to College Ave and you could see a dozen lights

    1. Next time take pics and send to joe would def help our community because wboc delmarva now and police are not gonna tell us

    2. I want to say it was a fatality. When we were over that way around 3:30 the motorcycle was sitting upright with lots of debrey around it. Police had a tripod object out and were walking the area. No other emergency personal on the seen just 2 police cars blocking off the area both directions and a third police pulled up. A bus was pulled over by the curb appeared to possibly a transit bus. But that's all I could tell. I didn't think to take pics due to thinking it was a fatal.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Around 2PM there was a big something going on - un Eastern Shore Drive down by Vine St.

    I came out of Amce and went out that way to College Ave and you could see a dozen lights

    January 21, 2018 at 7:13 PM

    The accident this afternoon was another motorcycle accident. The motorcyclist was unconscious and left for dead by a hit and run driver.

    Then later on there was another motorcycle accident vs. Car on Rt. 50 near the bypass. Parsonsburg Ambulance 6 called it in and said the motorcyclist was hit and thrown 75 feet. She was out of breath trying to talk on her radio. Salisbury came to save the patient from her.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I fight what you fear snowflake

    January 21, 2018 at 7:43 PM

    Even if that is true it is evident you are not doing a good enough job.

    1. At least I try by putting my life on the line for total strangers even trolls like you. You have never and will never be a gun fighter and that's ok. I personally can't imagine not having the adrenaline dumps, pushing my body until I vomit chasing a rapist or fighting a gang banger. It's the best job on earth. I don't care you hate me I will protect you.

    2. 8:30-What peace officer refers to themself as a gunfighter? The answer is one who is not a police officer at all. Nice try, idiot.

  10. 8:00 If you have a smartphone or a computer and can post on this blog, then you have the ability to access police and fire scanners. Stop playing the "i can't/they won't" game. Man up and stop asking to be spoon fed everything.

  11. Aliens attacking Earth.

  12. The first nice day of the year always brings out all the novice motorcyclists.

  13. Came up on that motorcycle accident on
    Beaglin Dr. / Vine St. No ambulances had
    arrived as the time. The guy lay
    unresponsive on the road. Someone was
    holding his hand. His bike was obliterated.
    I hope / pray he lives to be O.K. again.
    And i hope who ever saw it happen got the
    license plate # of who ever hit him!!

  14. @7:28, wow, you must be an actual professional.


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