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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Snow Plow Covers Sidewalk In Salisbury

What a joke! I hope you see what your plow did to my sidewalk after it was shoveled Jake Day! And you have the nerve to stick a $250,00 fine on my door! No wonder people are leaving Salisbury.


  1. At least your street was plowed. Most haven't been touched.

  2. Yup. Clueless and refuses to consult people who know better. I have lived in northern states where they know how to manage weather/snow. They don't cite people after 6 hours or 12 hours. They take all the conditions into consideration before screwing over their residents.

    I can see this rule implemented after 4" of snow but not a blizzard dumping 12+" with subzero temps.

    Our elderly and disabled are most likely going to be the victims of the citation gestapo.

    Our mayor should be embarrassed.

  3. The law in Salisbury is 6 hours after the snow stops
    The law in Bethlehem PA is 24 hours after the snow stops - guess they understand the dynamics of snow, cold and people.

  4. Tit for tat: send a $250 bill to the mayors office.

  5. shovel it off...take a picture,with a time/date stamp and then sit back and email said picture to mayors office right away....fill his inbox with residents photos

  6. I had to do my twice bacause of the plow. I refused to be an easy target for Jake since he needs more revenue for his pet projects.

  7. Funny part is most the side roads in sby were not touched. I should not have to shovel if they do not have to plow.

  8. Democrat Jake Day has total disdain for the citizens of the city.

  9. They waited on plowing to show Hogan how bad it was so they could receive money from the state!!

  10. I will never buy any property in Salisbury let it become nothing but rentals Salisbury has nothing to offer except high crime and a mayor that don't know his butt from a hole in the ground Jake how does it feel to be the laughing stock of your office

  11. He wants to charge the taxpayers and citizens of Salisbury for everything he can think of to cover the price of "his Festival", good luck with that.

  12. I am confused there are no right answer ,people want the roads plowed and the snow has to go somewhere ,i don't believe any one should be fined ,i know for me i cant do it and cant afford to have someone clean off side walk ,and if i don't have money for that i don't have money for a fine i would have to go to jail,guess i don't know what big deal is i am 68 and what a crazy law .

  13. Down Pennsylvania Avenue in Salisbury are huge mounds of snow from where a commercial plow operator cleared driveways and parking spots. The city isn't going to be able to plow through them. They'll have to bring dumptrucks and scoops to remove them first.

  14. In the town of Fredonia NY, who have gotten over 60" of snow - " If time permits and there are available personnel, they also plow the sidewalks simply as a courtesy to our residents. " This is in the city limits on heavily walked roads.

    Ha ha ha ha ha, can you imagine ANYONE around here providing such a service to the taxpayers!!

  15. We were very appreciative that they only plowed one lane and didn't push it on to our sidewalks.

  16. yes 1014 you are a criminal and must be sent to jail, what you have done is worse than selling crack. how dare you mess up this beautiful city.

  17. How else is the city going to fund the Folk Festival?

  18. If EVERY Salisbury citizen Refused to pay the fine; problem over!!!

  19. Day is popping these $250 fines on the elderly, handicapped, and the infirm so he can later sell their house for failure to pay that fine and then his buddies in the rental scam business in Salisbury (Broughton, Cannon, Hackett, etc.) can swoop in, buy the place for $8,000 and increase the rental blight that is the hallmark of Salisbury.
    Rental dumps that have been paid for 3-10 times already.
    The hanging list grows ever larger. And the hanging time is coming, whether you believe it or not.
    Cheer while you can still breathe. That rope will cut the air off REAL QUICK.

  20. They can take their tickets and shove them up their ass. I'm not paying $250 because I didn't shovel a sidewalk that I own. Kiss my entire ass.

  21. the city should dump the snow into the Wicomico river. it will help dilute the sewage and move the trash and floating fish further upstream

  22. I saw jim ireton swimming in the river yesterday wearing his speedos. just like he promised, it's all clean now

  23. only went to the dock bar at brew river once, couldn't stand the stench from the river. now we go to the hideaway grill in rumbley, it is awesome but not open in winter. we have been there numerous times and were never threatened by any thugs. Salisbury is filthy and dangerous. it is very light in rumbley and very dark in crapbury


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