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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Schumer reveals game plan: PROVE you're not a racist

On Monday’s broadcast of CBS’ “Late Show,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that President Trump can begin to prove he’s not racist or bigoted by supporting the bipartisan immigration compromise [amnesty]

Schumer said Trump’s comments “over and over and over again can be described as nothing but racist and obnoxious. He says he’s not a racist. Well, … I have a challenge for Donald Trump...



  1. Oh I GET IT NOW democrats made up the story to get what they want this is incredible... illegal aliens vote democrat. Treasonous.

  2. Schumer just proved what a moron he really is!

  3. Shumer is a Sceamer & a Dreamer !!!!

    He is , along with Pelosi is Govt's biggest Waist !!!!

  4. The latest talking point phrase of the liberals: Trump is a racist. They're all saying it. Even though Martin Luther King's daughter herself says he is not a racist since knowing him personally for years. Liberals are all talk. They are just trying to distract the public from paying attention to Trump's successes.

  5. NO ONE can prove a negative!

    It's just plain impossible.

    Schummer, PROVE you stopped beating your wife.

  6. We've seen this so many times-- make up some fake issue, say it over and over and over, then say 'prove you aren't'

    And it's amazing, as often as they've done this, that people still buy into it.

  7. Schumer is just an ass!!

  8. Just a typical dumb ass democrat. There all the same.

  9. chuck prove your not an moron.

  10. how do you prove a negative lol

  11. I have some advice for Schummer....RETIRE!

  12. If I were Mexican I would move to a Snowflake city and start selling cars.
    "Prove your not a Racist. Buy your next car from Jose."


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