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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Salisbury Receives Half-Million in State Revitalization Funds for Amphitheater

Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that Governor Larry Hogan’s 2019 proposed budget, which was announced today, includes $500,000 in revitalization funds for the City of Salisbury to construct its new Riverwalk Amphitheater.

First imagined in the City’s “Envision Salisbury” 20-year master plan, the amphitheater project’s priority increased with the news of the National Folk Festival’s 3-year residency in the Salisbury.

“If we’re trying to grow Salisbury economically, it is our responsibility to create a place where people want to be,” said the Mayor. “For the National Folk Festival and beyond, the Riverwalk Amphitheater will be a space for community to gather and appreciate art and performance together.”

Today’s news of the $500,000 allotment demonstrates a continuing commitment from the State of Maryland and Governor Larry Hogan to play an active role in the revitalization of Salisbury’s metro core. In Governor Larry Hogan’s 2018 budget, Salisbury received $1 million in revitalization funds for its Main Street overhaul.

Mayor Day said, “Governor Hogan has had Salisbury’s back at every opportunity. I am tremendously grateful to him for recognizing, as I do, and as our community does, that revitalization is happening in Downtown Salisbury.

Delmarva Veteran Builders was hired by the City to be the Construction Manager for the project, and will be responsible for design and construction. Construction is expected to begin in March, with completion by July 31, 2018, ahead of the National Folk Festival, September 7th through the 9th.

#SBY #SBYNEWS #ItsHappening Jacob Day Delmarva Veteran Builders


  1. Hmm - just what is needed in Salisbury....maybe it would have been a wiser use of funds to reduce the rampant blight and crime...

    1. Agree. Can't go down town not safe.

  2. so where is the money coming from to have it built by July of this year

  3. Another waste of my Tax $'s

  4. Construction begins in March....OK, will the contractors pull out in May when they don't get paid, like the crew doing the Main Street? Jake, Jakeoff, Jakkie?

  5. Unbelievable!! I truly don't see anyone using a so called amphitheater in Salisbury after Jake day's folk festival garbage

  6. "“If we’re trying to grow Salisbury economically, it is our responsibility to create a place where people want to be,” said the Mayor."

    The funniest thing is he doesn't even have a clue as to how ridiculous his statement is. An amphitheater is low if not the last if at all thing on people's mind when looking for a place to live or even be. It's mind boggling how low information he is and what is even more amazing are those who buy into this absolute nonsense. It is hard to believe in this day and age someone can be so out of touch with reality.

  7. Another home run for Gilles!

  8. Meanwhile... no funds to pay for the never-ending Main St debacle. How will the 100,000 hippies get around town during the god-awful festival? How will Jake and his friends get to happy hour?

  9. Did Jake say "Master" Plan? Seems a bit racially motivated to me. I bet the amphitheater will have nothing but folk music along with some Tracey Chapman and Darius Rucker wannabes. Very white in my book. Just saying.

    1. I'm on total agreement with all except that Salisbury's younger gangster rap culture, and there is more than you think will definitely try to use this venue. I get will ruin this whole scenario because the mayor will HAVE to afford them the opportunity and the chaos will ensue

  10. Can’t believe they give money to a mayor who initiates and participates in a pajama onesie pub crawl.

  11. $500k, HMMMMMM that's just what Jakie needs to pay off that downtown contractor!

  12. Wait a minute! This money is in the *PROPOSED 2019* budget. It's just proposed and it's a long time from now. Was it Ben franklin who said, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."? Anyway, I am willing to put up $1,000 of my own money that this will never happen. Any takers?

  13. This money may as well of been spent to buy salt to put in the ocean. Just another waste of taxpayer dollars.


  14. Will there be enough rows so all in attendance can see and smell the river? Of, course they may still be trying to get through the Jakeabout and find parking for their bikes.

  15. Just think how many homeless can sleep on the benches in the amphitheater.

  16. "“If we’re trying to grow Salisbury economically, it is our responsibility to create a place where people want to be,” said the Mayor."

    What a joke, if you are to improve Salisbury's never improving economy, I would recommend investing and encouraging small businesses rather than taxing them out of existence. And if you want culture help open a restaurant/lounge that serve food and have comedy night, music night, just somewhere that people can express themselves.

    Also what the heck happened to the money the city got for downtown since it's still a dump with nothing changed. I always wonder what happened to most of the taxes collected by the city since it seems like it goes nowhere, except into the city officials pockets.

  17. This is another project for one of the "Home Boys". Checkout who owns Veterans Builders

  18. Veterans may want to get paid in advance?

  19. Why would Hogan have Salisbury's back. I see that he does. Hogan waste taxpayers money like a Democrat. Spends our money like it is his own. Not a care!!

  20. Tell me again that Larry Hogan isn't a Republican!

  21. Hogan is spending money like a drunken ho. Why does Salisbury need a amplitheater? In Salisbury where people won't go especially after dark because of the crime? i agree more waste of my tax money! i can see it in a few years abandoned. and i agree while Main street is still not finished. dumb dumb dumb idea.

  22. Hogan isn;t a Republican, He is acting more and more like a Democrat everyday and not getting my vote. If we wanted a Democrat we would have voted and elected one. We got one anyway at least if we got one that was registered as such we would have known what we were getting. All we got was a bamboozle.

  23. How about Jake pay the contractor who is suing the city for non payment with that money

  24. East Main Street looks like a construction zone and has cost local businesses profit due to inaccessibility. West Main Street and Fitzwater Street have more pot holes than on Mars, numerous empty buildings due to bad policies of Salisbury mayor and council, robberies every other night, but Salisbury is getting an amphitheater.

  25. We already have an Amphitheater being built in Wicomico County with plenty of parking for everyone. An Amphitheater in Salisbury?


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