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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day, (immature, inexperienced) Jumps The Gun Before The Facts Came To Light)

Leave it to the Boy Mayor to once again act like a typical Liberal and instantly side with racism and BLM. 

You people sure do have your hands full with this Idiot. 


  1. Condensed honesty; Jake failed as an architect, failed as an urban planner, failed as a mayor, and is now pretending to be a lawyer. Keep it up, weekend warrior. Jake the Fake!

    Spend hundreds of thousands of Daddy's money getting "educated" at U of MD, Carnegie Mellon, and Oxford. Ends up working for Daddy at Perdue lol

    1. Working for daddy and GSC as mayor. LOL!

  2. Typical Liberal - never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

  3. Why doesn't she show her ID and let us all see it for our self? Just a thought. Move on and get over it snowflack and Day with you. (map)

  4. Boy Mayor is a WUSS!

  5. I'm glad he's not my commanding officer.

  6. The Mayor decided it a racist without hearing other side. u would think he would like to know both sides first

  7. I haven't been to Market Street in a while. Not because the food or the service. It has always been up to par. It's because of the hood rats that lurk around in the area. I will be there soon to enjoy some good food. I know Rob and he does not deserve to be attacked in this manner.

  8. It's time for all of us to show support to Market Street and show these idiots how we feel.
    I was reminded at a young age that you fight fire with fire. I will be having a great dinner there this week with my wife.

  9. Bye Bye Jake......You are everyday digging hole deeper. Your "Days" are numbered. Better start looking for another job. Oh, and take Barb's with you....

  10. Completely inappropriate for the Mayor to assume the business was wrong.

  11. When it comes to serving alcoholic beverages it is better to go with caution. I have been in front of the liquor board for serving a minor who had an ID approved by city police, they were just as wrong as I was but I had to pay the penalty not them!

  12. "officers' like him were fragged in the 'nam

  13. They were served food, just not alcohol. So how could the restaurant be deemed racist?

    Only in the fascist mind of liberals like Fake Day.

    1. Exactly! No one is saying they were denied alcohol they are claiming service! The could have ate all they wanted.

  14. I don't get on here name calling, and have given this guy that holds the position of mayor a sporting chance. From the beginning when he surfaced, I thought why does the city need a person running anything that can't run his own life. Moving violations for speeding over and over. Tells me something right there. Now to shoot his mouth off about this is as stupid as you can get. I'm just going to close because I don't want to go off on this bike lane, feel good guy that carries himself like the liberals. You know, when things are going bad, hold a conference to tell citizens things are going great. They lie so much, they or someone starts to believe the lies.

  15. To the 8 "protesters" that showed up at Market Street Inn yesterday...I know you read this blog. Please go back and look at the pics of your "protest" posted on this blog. I think once you look at the pics you will see what most see. A small gathering of some very pathetic racist people. Look at the pics. You are all a joke. You accomplished nothing except looking hilariously pathetic. Really people get a life. Do something constructive like maybe get a job. 😂😂
    And no I'm not a customer of Market Street Inn. Just someone who finds you all laughable 😂😂

    1. Oh come on 12:00 those protesters were so cute. They were all standing out there with their adorable little BLM signs. How cute was that? Salisbury is about 5 years too late but it was adorable anyway! Too fun. They really should protest more often. They could put little Dixie cups out to collect donations, too. 🧐🧐 Like a little party 🎈!

    2. 8:36 So true! 😂🤣

  16. This Sarrah person has gotten just what she was after ! The only 5 minutes of fame she will ever receive after pulling a desperate for attention move.I get so sick and tired of this crap !

  17. The group of people who continue to stink up Salisbury are pathetic. Great appreciation to Market Street Inn for standing up to these pathetic losers !!!Ray!!!

  18. What makes Sby look bad are liars like Sarra Malik starting trouble with businesses. She lied and said she was denied service. Thank God her IQ is somewhere in the imbecile/moron/idiot range and she outed her own lie by posting a video that shows they were not denied service at all only alcohol. Bottom line if Day or the ghetto hustler Mitchell want to side with a liar it proves they too are worthless wastes of oxygen.

  19. So does this thread solve any problems. No.
    Not until someone on here that can run for office steps up from behind their computer and puts their money where their mouth is.
    otherwise, this entire mess you continue to post is meaningless.

  20. LOL Got news for Jermichael. What makes Salisbury look bad is that someone like Sarra Malik will lie about a business and then the hoodrat ghetto dwellers come out and protest! Not that it should be expected they would ever admit this. They are inherently dishonest and are taught at a young age to lie about everything. It's their "culture." It's part of "the hustle." They are so uncivilized they can't help themselves. They want to run out every business there is like they did everywhere else they live. They must love living worse then animals otherwise they would wise up.

  21. This story is more about the County’s practice of entrapping bar tenders to sell to under age cadets dressed up with make up. I know because it happened to me. These bar tenders are afraid to sell to anyone who is close to 21 years of age.

  22. The mayor of the city casually suggesting suing a long standing business in the city over an issue he understands solely from a Facebook post. Incredibly poor and moronic leadership.

  23. I was denied alcohol service in Salisbury some years ago. I had a Delaware ID from before they changed the format of them. Was still valid, but they wouldn't accept one that was still in the old format. Damn sure didn't have anything to do with my race. This is pathetic

  24. Sounds like Jake is trying to get a law suit going against the owners WOW...No wonder business's are leaving. They did nothing wrong in trying to protect their business and for Jake not to have their back is disgusting and cowardice.

  25. Rob should ban the limp wrist Onesie crawl

  26. It's not good that Day allowed himself to become involved in a loaded conversation with a perpetually dissatisfied person like Mitchell. If Day had any common sense and savvy he would have put the brakes on that exchange immediately by saying he doesn't know much at all about the subject. By continuing on it becomes obvious Sby is not business friendly or welcoming. The former mayor of Baltimore's words come to mind "room to destroy" and that is what Day is doing. Giving the race baiters "room to destroy" by lies and manipulation a long time Sby business.

  27. A few years ago there was a company out of China producing fake DL's that people were using and even fooling the police. ID Chief was the name of the company. It is now closed down due to actions by the Congress but others companies have popped up to replace them. The ONLY way to tell they were fake was the laminate would remain creased when bent. People with suspended licenses were buying them and how they were able to fool the police was never made public but they did. They were only available in 10 or 12 states.

  28. 1:59

    Every thread has your diatribe about people on computers not doing anything. I guess you are running for office somewhere?

    Please tell us all how much you've done besides offering your extremely witty and intelligent ramblings about we computer people not doing anything but complaining.

    You have absolutely no idea who we are or what we can/will/have done, so just STFU.

  29. I have watched the video of this incident. I also read Sarra Malik's post on this incdent. Not once did she mention in her statement or post on facebook or to the police in the video that any employee or owner of Market Street mentioned race or color of skin. Im curious to how this is a racial problem, or racist act... the only people i see being racist is Malik, being that she sees her color or anyone elses color a problem here. This is a problem with an identification card or license. The establishment has the right to decline a person or persons alcohol if they feel the identification is not legitimate.. period. If this was about race why didnt they decline service to all in the party, or not allow them to dine there? im seeing this more and more, Any time a person of color is questioned or doesnt get their way, the race card is played! They are making it so when an actual racial incident occurs that it will be less likely believed because of these stupid accusations. If they think everytime someone disagrees with them its because of color or race then they are the racist! and watching the video they were acting like trouble makers standing infront a a business saying they wanted an apology and trying to bully the manager because a police officer agreed with them about an identification card or license.. however as the officer stated the business has the right to refuse them service. The only victim in this situation is Market Street owners and employees. Move on!!!! I dont care what color you are.. if you act like this get the hell out and move someplace else!!!!!

  30. Jermichael Mitchell is a clown. He's just another sad example of today's AA community not walking the talk. Just take a knee clown or dap

  31. 257-I was denied for the same reason. Guy told me flat out, "Old format, we won't serve." Didn't cry wolf either. But some people are, umm, special I guess is the word for it!

  32. I wonder if Market street has grounds for a lawsuit against the Mayor for his actions ?

    1. They would have to prove they lost business because of big mouth’s moronic comments. If you think of how unpopular Day is, Rob will probably have an increase in business because of loudmouth! 444. Day should really stop talking out of his ass for a change. He’s boring.

  33. 4:17 and in her own video she said the motive was pride. Somewhere along the line it changed to a racial motive obviously because that is more inflammatory. We have Malik's number. She is a lying piece of garbage who has allowed herself to be reduced to nothing more then a slave to the democrat playbook. Blacks like her is the only reason racism exists but not many will admit this because so few are honest. It's no wonder people are hesitant to hire them. You look at them the wrong way and they will lie and say you were discriminating. I seen how they roll myself in restaurants. They will drink practically a whole drink and then complain there was no alcohol in it looking for a freebie. You can take them out of the ghetto but you can never take the ghetto out of them and they prove it themselves over and over.

  34. I read and watched everything too. What is striking is not one (Mitchell, Ashanti, etc) has the common decency to correct the misleading accusation about being "denied service" by Sarra Malik. This because poor parenting goes back generations in black communities. It's been ingrained in them for decades now to blame and make every kind of excuse under the sun for their low social predicament. They truly are a cursed race and no one can help them until they help themselves and it starts with honesty and personal responsibility.

    1. 601. True. She wasn’t denied service. She was denied booze. Big difference. Look at her, she could be under 21 easy. Jake is a pinhead as usual. What else is new? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  35. Do you all have any doubt now who is driving business out of Salisbury? Rush to judgement is ridiculous and unprofessional but what can you expect from a mayor with the IQ of a brick? This was one of the most ridiculous things Day has done and he’s done quite a lot so it’s a real show stopper! Jake, why don’t you go back to Perdue where the drama suits you.

    1. Jake is a brick so having the IQ of one comes naturally to him. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Way to go Jakester!

    2. Second and fourth Friday's you too can be a part of Thrive at the uprising church in Hebron where Jake day meets with other young local professionals in the area to go over ideals and views that effect all of us. WTF ate they learning and teaching our there

    3. There are many of us here in Salisbury that know all too well about the double dialogue preached out there in Hebron. Its all about them and their cause of the day. A bunch of self righteous look at me I'm better and above the rest of you. Jake Day must fit right in

  36. Joe, close friend of mine works in the GOB with boy mare, overheard him saying he had a way to fix "your ass" once and for all. Your warned, he's fed up.

  37. Jake what make believe cause are you supporting here man. I think you have lost your identity. When are you going to let your balls drop. I know Caucasians are quickly becoming the minority in this dung hole you call Salisbury. It is not all your fault it started twenty years ago. The issue is you have done nothing to improve race relationships or quality of living in the Bury. You need to fall back on leadership training I know you have. This White guilt you posses it ridiculous. All Americans are afforded the right to thrive if they choose. Some people just can not handle democracy or freedom. Jake you need to do some soul searching you have become a pure politician.

  38. Jermichael Mitchell still stirring racist shit again.

    He should worry more about his sister going to court for fighting Councilman April Jackson.

    And Jake Day is a Liberal Pussy that is quick to defend a black person before a white person. You should have seen him showing his racist ass at the MLK Dinner Monday night.

  39. Jermichael WTF kind of name us that? No wonder he goes around mad. Let's be honest the four things that are the most popular and pushed on black youths today. Be a football or basketball player. Be a gangster rapper. Be a hood, thug "get 'DAT money drug dealer. And now the almighty activist sucking off of every government entitlement available. This clown is Salisbury calling himself an activist for the betterment of blacks in Salisbury should be embarrassed by his own families thug life. Go away Mitchell nobody takes you serious

  40. I usually do not agree with most of the comments on this blog - but in this case I do agree with most of what is being said. The mayor should have supported a long established business. Bottom line - Mr. Mulford is in business to make a profit. He is not going to do anything that would drive any customer away. So he will serve as many meals and drinks as he can. However, in order to stay in business, he must also follow and interpret the law. I am just curious - did this group have their meal before leaving and complaining. And one last word for this young lady - your complaint makes it much harder on those with real grievance to be heard.

  41. The bottom line is this poor excuse for a human being had an agenda when she went to market St. She knew her ID was in question but still attempted to be served alcohol. Either way market would have been chastised for serving or not serving alcohol. The waiter/waitress did absolutely the right thing because they ate held personally responsible for paying the fine and probably get fired for jeopardizing the business alcohol license. As stated in another post the communist state of Maryland sends underage people in to these places how would anyone know that she wasn't one of them?

  42. Sounds like he is the new Uncle Tom.

  43. Market Street Inn and Mojo's should TRESPASS all of them.

  44. I hope the set up protest in the same spot I have a full supply of paintballs...lol

  45. That's your boy Jermichael Mitchell he is siding with.


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