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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Fire Department Leadership Proven To Be Idiots

Blue Stick On Reflectors being found all over Salisbury Maryland. Snow Plows did exactly what everyone said they would do. What a bunch of Idiots! Folks, "it was your election to lose". 


  1. Their flushing your money right down the toilet

  2. The armpit is showing Salisbury. !!!Ray!!!

  3. Don't forget the main hours to put these down all over the city, and the asset they were going to be for the Fire Depts to locate the hydrants in case of snow!

  4. How much did they cost or in other words how much did the taxpayers lose?

  5. And, a firefighter was seriously injured putting this crap on the roads!

    1. Not down playing his injury for sure but he was injured because of a violation of th rules the reflector did nothing. He was riding on the bumper of the truck while in motion unsecured on a public road let’s take that for what it is

  6. The one near my house has vanished.

  7. Weren't they told they had to take them up because they did not have authority to put them down in the first place?

  8. Why are they in the travel lanes, not down the center line? Idiots!

  9. SFD leadership: Here put these reflectors down using super glue in the driving lanes around Salisbury near fire hydrants.

    Firemen: duuuuh ok!

  10. They are intended to be recessed when installed and placed in the center of the travel lane so that a vehicle straddles them. When properly installed, they don't get removed by plows. Example would be the reflectors all along Rt. 50. As usually, the shorebillies know more than the professionals and did it their way which was the opposite of the correct way to do install them.

  11. Good now i wont run these over with my car pain in a.. put right where tires would hit

    1. They don't hurt your car, no different than a speed bump or pot hole.

  12. If you find one don't throw it away,those things are going to be collectors items,kinda like the pet rock.

  13. Some that lives in Salisbury needs to put up your money and run for office. Any fool knew plows would take these things out.
    But why complain? Do like Joe did...........
    Put your money where your mouth is and run against Jake Day. Blogging on here won't solve a thing.

  14. Typical Jimmie Gladwell mess. They made a movie about his life. It’s called Dumb and Dumber.

  15. Here's an idea why did they not install reflective polls on the fire hydrants themselves this way they perpetrated through the snow during a storm and it would not be part of the highway. Kind of like the polls on bicycles with the flags on them. Libtards are just plain stupid, ignorant and wasteful morons..

    1. Sorry grammer nazi at 4:43 . Spell check on my cell phone? XScuuuuz me ..yes i meant penetrated.gheeesh

  16. Anonymous said...
    And, a firefighter was seriously injured putting this crap on the roads!

    January 12, 2018 at 10:13 AM

    You mean Maryland State Delegate Sheree Sample-Hugh's son who was run over by wannabe assistant chief Jon David Black. Yeah, how is that going? Rick Hoppes is still in his position and David Black is still in his position. If they had any morals they would have resigned. If Jake Day had any balls he would have fired them. If Jake Day was a real leader he would have fired them.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Their flushing your money right down the toilet

    January 12, 2018 at 9:32 AM

    What's new? They've been doing that since Barrie Tilghman was mayor and Bill Gordy, David See and Rick Hoppes were chiefs.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Typical Jimmie Gladwell mess. They made a movie about his life. It’s called Dumb and Dumber.

    January 12, 2018 at 1:43 PM

    Exactly! The little myty mouse munchkin. He needs a step stool to get in a fire truck so he begged to be promoted so he could ride in the $100,000 SUV. He is now using phone books and pillows so he can see over the dash now and it has a cup holder for his sippy cup.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Not down playing his injury for sure but he was injured because of a violation of th rules the reflector did nothing. He was riding on the bumper of the truck while in motion unsecured on a public road let’s take that for what it is

    January 12, 2018 at 3:19 PM

    No Dumb A$$, he was injured because Volunteer Assistant Chief David Black let him sit there without making sure it was safe to drive the fire truck. David Black was wrong for not doing a walk around of this large fire truck and you are an A$$hole for making it sound like a cadet/junior firefighter was at fault. And Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott are at fault for promoting David Black to Assistant Chief and Jake Day is at fault for confirming it.

    1. I wasn’t intending to make it sound like his fault. He was told by a superior to do that. Sorry if you mistook that or it didn’t sound right. The driver is ultimately responsible for the vehicle and the passengers

  20. What is stupid is putting them on the road where the won't be seen during a snowstorm when they are needed the most. People are going to be cold so they will use alternative heat sources thus creating a fire hazard. Very stupid on the part of the leadership in Salisbury.


  21. Sure hope they bought the Extended Warranty!

    Just a completely dumb idea, improperly and illegally installed by jerks. Driver of apparatus needs their eyes on the road ahead rather than hoping to pick up a bit of reflection (they don't reflect all that well even when it's clear and dry). Painting the hydrants with reflective paint would be much more visible to the spotter.

    Good bye little blue speed bumps; we hardly knew you.

    1. Can't see hydrant if they are blocked from view, that's why the reflectors were on the road. Doesn't snow that much around here.

  22. They work well in civilized areas when properly installed. Their purpose is not for finding hydrants in the snow and it does not snow that much here.

  23. At least 3 are missing from Eastern Shore Drive. I didn't go all the way to College Ave so there could be more at that end.

  24. Anonymous said...
    I wasn’t intending to make it sound like his fault. He was told by a superior to do that. Sorry if you mistook that or it didn’t sound right. The driver is ultimately responsible for the vehicle and the passengers

    January 12, 2018 at 4:46 PM


  25. reflective tape ON THE HYDRANTS!

  26. reflective tape on iretons nuts to warn of danger

  27. Director of public works field operations, aka "butt pirate" ass kisser extraordinaire Tom Stevenson should be responsible for actions like this

  28. The easiest thing to do is learn where the hydrants are if you're going to drive.

  29. Maybe you should investigate how a member of station 2 likes to bully and harass people.....................................

  30. You should write a story about the circus at station 2 and the meeting they had last week. Someone certainly needs to learn to control their anger before he hurts someone.


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