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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Sahara Desert covered in SNOW: Pictures show Ain Sefra covered in 15 INCHES of snow

More than 15 inches (40cm) has blanketed sand dunes across the small town of Ain Sefra, Algeria.

It is the second time snow has hit in nearly 40 years, with a dusting also recorded in December 2016.

But this snowfall which hit yesterday, is much deeper than the fleeting shower little more than a year ago.

Locals, who endure temperatures of 37C in summer, were stunned as dense snow settled on the town, known as ‘the gateway to the desert’.



  1. Global Death, we will all be dead by Tuesday, O.M.G.!!!!

  2. No such thing as climate change.....Smoking cigarettes for 30-40 years give you cancer, what does burning coal and oil do the the atmosphere after a 100 years or so? Factories and farming killed off the bounty of fish/oysters/crabs that were in the Bay prior to 1967. Ask an old timer about fishing/crabbing in Tangier sound in the old days.

  3. Al gore net worth 500k 2006-global warming in ten years no ice,snow and earth will be on fire=Buy solar panels and electric cars 2016-climate change because earth was not on fire=buy solar panels. 2018-climate crises =trump is racist Al Gore net worth 200 million

  4. If you don’t believe in climate change it shows how uneducated and foolish you are.

  5. jake is sending his snow plow to Algeria. he'll pose for pictures and then get that place cleaned up

  6. That little star in the sky that has its own temperature fluctuations might have something to do with it also eh?

    But if you want to talk global warming / climate change blah blah, let’s first talk about the constant artificial cloud making going on right over our heads daily!

  7. sidewalks better be clean

  8. Trump has fixed global warming, that's what everybody wanted, right?


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