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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Robot Assistant Fired After One Week for Irritating and Confusing Customers

A robot shop assistant in Scotland was fired after just one week due to customers avoiding him, according to a report.

Robot shop assistant ShopBot, also known as “Fabio,” was created by Heriot-Watt University and soon became employed at a store, where he “got off to a good start, charming customers with high fives, hugs and greetings of ‘hello gorgeous,’” according to the Daily Mail.

However, “Within a few days Fabio began irritating and confusing shoppers at the flagship store,” with the robot giving customers vague and unhelpful answers, and finding it difficult to understand people.

When the robot was tasked with handing out samples, it also “became too enthusiastic” and started to scare customers who “fled from him.”

“We thought a robot was a great addition to show the customers that we are always wanting to do something new and exciting,” claimed shop owner Elena Margiotta. “Unfortunately Fabio didn’t perform as well as we had hoped… People seemed to be actually avoiding him.”


[Walmart greeters are breathing easier now.. --Editor]


  1. you mean people would rather actually speak to a human being ? go figure ...

  2. Unlike people, at least a robot has a off switch !!!Ray!!!

  3. Scots kept saying the word "eleven" to it and it finally popped a fuse.

  4. great comment from the editor, love it


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