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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Republicans Have Four Easy Ways To #ReleaseTheMemo...Not Doing So Will Prove Them Shameless Frauds

One of the gravest and most damaging abuses of state power is to misuse surveillance authorities for political purposes. For that reason, The Intercept, from its inception, has focused extensively on these issues.

We therefore regard as inherently serious strident warnings from public officials alleging that the FBI and Department of Justice have abused their spying power for political purposes.

Social media this week has been flooded with inflammatory and quite dramatic claims now being made by congressional Republicans about a four-page memo alleging abuses of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act spying processes during the 2016 election. This memo, which remains secret, was reportedly written under the direction of the chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, GOP Rep. Devin Nunes, and has been read by dozens of members of Congress after the committee voted to make the memo available to all members of the House of Representatives to examine in a room specially designated for reviewing classified material.



  1. Exactly, The memo won't be released no matter what anyone says... Mark my words, they won't release the memo... It would be to easy...

  2. They better. Opra said it best...Sophia home now! Gonna be some changes round here!! You old fool pass me the noose. Heads need to roll on this or we are no longer america. We will be just a few steps away from being pulled out of our homes and shot or just vanish. Step one GET RID OF THE PATRIOT ACT..nothing patriotic about it!!! Its doublespeak for jackboot on your face forever

  3. Watch, they will mysteriously "lose" the memo...

  4. If they don't release the memo, I'm getting my pitchfork!

  5. Democrats would have released it in seconds after getting it.


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