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Monday, January 08, 2018

Report: Labor unions ‘ATM of the Democratic Party’

$1.1 billion in member dues sent to hundreds of anti-Republican advocacy groups

Labor unions across the country sent nearly $1.1 billion in member dues to hundreds of advocacy groups aligned with the Democratic Party from 2010 to 2016, according to new research.

Unions, including the AFL-CIO and IBEW, have provided Planned Parenthood, the Clinton Foundation, the Democratic Governors Association and dozens of leftist groups hundreds of millions of dollars, a report from Center for Union Facts reveals.

What’s more egregious, the president of the Center for Union Facts, Luka Ladan, explained in an interview with WND, is that union members are in the dark about how their dues are being spent.

The billion-plus dollars unions have distributed to liberal advocacy groups that are generally anti-Republican were allocated without obtaining prior member approval.

“This is the most comprehensive analysis of union advocacy spending ever done. Under current labor law, these officials are required to obtain permission before spending money on political candidates or super-PACs, but not for political advocacy,” Laden explained Friday. “That means liberal advocacy groups from the Clinton Foundation, to Planned Parenthood, to Center for American Progress, groups like that that advocate a left-wing political agenda.”



  1. That is a large reason the local teachers union had to illegally take over the local teachers association. The association members were tired of their dues money being used for liberal political funding. The union in Annapolis freaked out when the members threatened to leave the union and sent their goons to do whatever they could to intimidate them.Look in the Maryland judicial case search and look up Gary hammer and stefanie lewis among others. They were court ordered to repair the damage they had done. Naturally they never fixed anything but that is water under the bridge.

  2. Democrats are all crooks,even the everyday Democrat on the street knows that but the attitude is, as long as I get what I want I don't what they do.

  3. Just like the mafia of old using the Teamsters pension fund as their personal ATM.


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