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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Poll: 33% of NFL fans 'purposely stopped watching' this Season

Players protesting during national anthem led outraged Americans to boycott

Throughout this 2017 NFL season, television ratings have declined and fans, TV pundits, and reporters have speculated as to the biggest cause. On social media, many people railed that players protesting during the national anthem led outraged Americans to boycott.

A new survey from SurveyMonkey and Ozy Media, shared first with Yahoo Finance, finds that 33% of NFL fans boycotted the league this year—but not entirely because they were outraged by the player protests. Nearly equal proportions boycotted in support of Colin Kaepernick or the protests as boycotted in support of President Trump, who vocally opposed the protests.

The survey, conducted from Dec. 8—11 of 2017, polled a national sample of 1,726 adults ages 18 and up. It found that 1,233 of those people identifed as football fans.

The survey then asked the football fans: “Did you purposely stop watching or attending NFL games this season for any reason?” 33% of respondents said yes.

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  1. As a disabled vet as the saying goes "piss in new once and tell me it's raining but I'll be damned if you'll shit on me and rub it in"

  2. Yes and someone needs to tell ESPN they are next if they do not stop crying about how badly black athletes are treated and the endless rants about Trump. Oh, wait - they are already losing viewers.

  3. It will drop more next year, People had already bought tickets before the season started they won't be buying next season and you will see a lot less fantasy football participants.

  4. I did not purposely reduce my time watching football. My football interest was not as much because

    The coverage and pregame shows were less interesting and focused more on their own personalities and less on the players.
    The protests were a distraction
    The games shown on my TV were generally not the good games I would like to watch.
    I cannot stay awake to watch an 8:30 PM game
    Overall I did think the games themselves were as interesting. Play is not as good as I think it used to be.
    Many of the new rules stink
    Refs seem to inject themselves into the outcome more than they used to.
    And probably the biggest reason is I am getting old and it is harder to hold my attention

    I think, however, the fact that there is less emphasis on football at the local level (Pop Warner, high school) will ultimately be a real problem that will only get worse.

  5. I haven't watched a game all season and won't ever again, I'm done with the NFL.

  6. I did not watch one second of the idiots playing with the oblong ball out of respect to those brave men and women buried in Arlington and the other National Cemeteries. They are the real heroes.

  7. I like going to nfl games with my family. the $11 beers, $6 hot dogs, $8 cokes, and $5 bottled waters are wonderful


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