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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Pelosi Refers to Workers’ Bonuses as ‘Crumbs’ Once Again

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) once again referred to bonuses and wage increases, given out as a result of Republican tax cuts, as "crumbs" on Friday.

Pelosi tweeted a cartoon of an individual with "middle class" written on his back staring into a mouse trap with a morsel of food on the trip. Above the individual is an elephant in a suit saying, "We added a 2% increase to your crumb."

At the bottom of the cartoon in minuscule letters is the punch line of the joke: "We'll take it out of your retirement, which will be brief."

Along with the cartoon, Pelosi tweeted that she believes it is "obnoxious" that the Republican Party would think "workers should be weak-kneed with gratitude" because corporations are raising wages and giving out bonuses as a result of tax reform.

"Pretty obnoxious the GOP thinks workers should be weak-kneed with gratitude for corporations giving them pennies while pocketing a multi-billion dollar tax break stolen from the future of the middle class. #GOPTaxScam" Pelosi tweeted.



  1. Unfortunately I have to agree with her. An insult to the working class.

    1. Ditto. It’s a temporary “carrot” being dangled in front of us. Enjoy it while it lasts because we’ll pay dearly for it when it expires.

    2. I guess democrats who voted No on the crumbs would now vote for a larger tax break ??? Lol

  2. Democrats have abandoned the middle class under her multi millionaire guidance. Illegal aliens first is the slogan of the democrats

  3. The objective here is for taxpayers to convince themselves that tax reform is not good for a host of reasons. You can be sure that the Democrats would rather spend the money than leaving it to the taxpayers. Should they be successful, they will take away the tax break while assuring you that it's for your own good.

  4. It beats the snot out of the $300-$600 in "economic incentive" that Obama gave every adult in the nation, money that was created out of thin air.

  5. At her wages and net worth it might seem like crumbs. To a low and middle class income person trying to make ends meet it means a lot, so she needs to STHU!!!!! How much money does Nancy Pelosi make?
    Nancy Pelosi earns $217,400 per year*. $217,400 a year for Nancy Pelosi it means $18,117 per month, $4,529 per week or $905.83 per day! Nancy Pelosi was the 60th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and the first woman to hold the position. *: estimated income based on 48 forty hours weeks per year.
    Net worth
    $120 million USD
    • (2017)

  6. An average family shouldn't be paying 33% of their income in federal taxes. Maybe 10% of which is used in an appropriate manner, the rest just disappears due to corruption and incompetence, as congressman become multi-millionaires. Was hoping we'd see REAL change to this with Trump. Since it's not going to happen with him, it's obviously the status quo and will never change.

  7. She can give the middle class her "crumbs" if she doesn't want them.

  8. 12:15--
    We are seeing improvements, but he is also being held back from what he could accomplish by obstructionist Democrats. It's only been a year, so don't count him (or us!) out! OUR President is a well-needed businessman that inherited a Democrat-made mess, it will not be all better overnight. Perhaps if the press acted like professionals, he wouldn't have to correct fake news every day; the crap that passes as news is astounding. There should be slander & libel lawsuits galore against some of these "news agencies" & celebrities-in-their-own-mind Hollywood types.

  9. It's a lot better than anything democrats did for anybody. Get a life, liberals!


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