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Monday, January 29, 2018

One Baltimore Neighborhood Has The Highest Vacancy Rate In America

The implosion of America’s inner cities is creating the real “shitholes,” and should be on everyone’s radar - not Haiti. In Baltimore, Maryland, decades of deindustrialization and 50-years of democratically controlled leadership has turned the city into a failed liberal experiment, with a homicide rate on par with Venezuela, a country that is suffering from an economic collapse.

In 2017, Baltimore’s population crashed to a 100-year low, as Baltimorans have finally discovered that the gentrification narrative by Kevin Plank, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Maryland Medical Center could be a distant pipedream. The fact is, the millennial generation is quickly leaving as violent crime has turned Baltimore into America’s most dangerous city.

Breaking down the racial wealth divide in Baltimore, the figures are truly shocking. When it comes to education, health, and wealth inequalities, Baltimore has the most extensive gaps in the United States. African Americans make up a majority of the total population coming in at 63 percent of 614,000.



  1. Baltimore is a shithole. I wonder why?

  2. Because, in the larger picture, of entropy.

  3. Because, in the larger picture, of entropy.

  4. Everywhere, in every city, in every campus, in every everything, the crime rate explodes, property values drop, quality of life bottoms, drugs become rampant, is that enough?

    I am sure most people know which demographic I am referring to. But I won't name them specifically here or my comment probably won't get published.

    Until this very specific issue is addressed, and addressed honestly and not worrying about "hurt feelings", it will continue to continue.

    That's all will say at this time. Most REASONABLE people know what I am talking about without mentioning any specifics.

  5. lmclain said...
    Because, in the larger picture, of entropy.
    January 29, 2018 at 7:20 PM

    Would you care to try again?

    Definition of entropy
    plural entropies
    thermodynamics : a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system that is also usually considered to be a measure of the system's disorder, that is a property of the system's state, and that varies directly with any reversible change in heat in the system and inversely with the temperature of the system; broadly : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system
    a : the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity
    Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder. —James R. Newman
    b : a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder
    The deterioration of copy editing and proof-reading, incidentally, is a token of the cultural entropy that has overtaken us in the postwar years. —John Simon
    : chaos, disorganization, randomness

    "Entropy" is one of the most misused concepts borrowed from physics, and I'm afraid it's impossible now to stop people from using it to mean whatever they want it to mean to serve their purposes. The idea that things "inevitably progress towards greater disorder" is an old idea going back to the ancient Greeks and earlier, so the word "entropy" is just a fancy, "mathematically smart" way of saying the same thing, even though it really doesn't. Almost everybody uses the word "entropy", and almost nobody really understands it. The worst thing about this gross misapplication of the word is that it blinds people to the reality that a lot of things are NOT "inevitably progressing towards greater disorder", and that even in closed systems of rising entropy, spontaneous complexity can indeed arise, as it does every day around us, if we understand what to look for.


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