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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ohio State course reprimands white heterosexual masculinity

Masculinity simultaneously harms yet privileges men, syllabus states

A class taught this spring at Ohio State University will review a parade of reasons why white heterosexual masculinity is allegedly problematic, tackling the topic from the constructs of racial issues, bullying, pop culture, societal expectations and much more, according to its syllabus.

The course, “Be a Man! Masculinities, Race and Nation,” includes a variety of readings to that end, including its required textbook “Dude, You’re a Fag!” by C.J. Pascoe, which analyzes masculinity as not only a gendered process, but sexual one, its Amazon description states.

Other assigned reading excerpts include: “Masculinity as Homophobia” by Michael Kimmel; “Advertising and the Construction of Violent White Masculinity” by Jackson Katz; “Dude Sex: Dudes Who Have Sex with Dudes” by Jane Ward; “Looking for My Penis” by Richard Fung; “Sodomy in the New World” by Jonathan Goldberg; and “Teaching Men’s Anal Pleasure” by Susan Stiritz.

More here


  1. Please tell me you're making this up?


  2. Guess football and basketball teams will enroll en masse in order to grab an easy 'A' and bump their GPA!

    Where's Governor Kasich?

  3. lets take bets on how long this trash comes to SU. I'm betting within one year.


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