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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Marijuana Expected To Be California's Largest "Sin Tax" As Jerry Brown Set To Release Surplus Budget

California Governor Jerry Brown will release his final state budget tomorrow for the 2018-2019 fiscal year which will include, for the first time, tax revenue from weed sales. As Reuters notes this morning, Brown and state lawmakers have 'high' expectations for the new revenue stream which is expected to reach $1 billion over the next couple of years. Meanwhile, if the estimates are even directionally accurate, the pot tax will be the largest "sin tax" collected in California at over 2.5x the revenue collected from the sale of booze(chart below per the 2017-2018 California budget).

Brown's final budget is expected to show a $7.5 billion surplus on roughly $125 billion in annual expenditures...

The estimated budget surplus of $7.5 billion is a far cry from the $27 billion hole that was projected as Brown took the reins for his third term in January 2011. He had previously served as governor from 1975 to 1983.

For the current fiscal year, the state budget topped $125 billion in general fund spending and nearing $200 billion when funds from the federal government, bond sales and other sources are considered, state records show. California has the sixth-largest economy in the world and is the most populous U.S. state, spending $53 billion from its general fund budget for K-12 education, $15 billion for state colleges and universities, and $35 billion for health and human services in fiscal year 2017-2018.

...which is primarily spent on education ($68 billion), Health and Human Services ($35 billion) and, of course, the state's massive prison system ($11 billion).



  1. I would not put all my BUD's in one basket. The FED is going to get a piece of the action before all this is over. As well they should.

  2. 60 years of destroying this country with bad drug laws maybe it will dawn on you now.

  3. California's problems are too numerous to fix.

  4. Them democrats don't know nothing about money. $7.5 billion surplus!

  5. Brown will tax it back to illegal status.

  6. 837
    . . . as well they should . . .

    Why are you a cheerleader for the Federal Government?

    Donate some of your money to them.
    Leave the rest of us alone.

  7. 60 years of destroying this country with drugs by dopers


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