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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Left-winger Rob Reiner’s theory on shutdown: ‘GOP frightened to death of the browning of America’

Hollywood icon and avowed left-winger Rob Reiner added to his ongoing attack on all things conservative and Republican, blaming the government shutdown on the GOP’s “racism” and adding that the party is “frightened to death of the browning of America.”

“They will lose this last big battle of the Civil War,” the filmmaker added in his Sunday tweet. “Diversity is our strength.”

By Monday, Senate Democrats agreed to a deal with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to end the shutdown in exchange for a vote on immigration — and 81 senators approved a temporary spending bill that reopened the government through Feb. 8.


  1. Of course multi-millionaire bald headed white guy doesn't "fear" the browning of America. Not any more than the plantation owners "feared" the browning of the colonies with the import of slaves. Doesn't affect the bald white guy. Archie had it right...he IS a meathead!

  2. But when the poor brown folks overthrow their elitest progressive massers, won't they be surprised. It won't be a country for the elite also.

  3. Yeah, diversity is your strength when you control it from up on the hill.

  4. No, in reality Rob, the conservative in American are worried about the dumbing down of America, and you are the poster child.
    About as dumb as a bag of hammers.

  5. The only browning is the full of it liberals.

  6. I welcome brown, as long as you are vetted, coming here for all the right reasons, follow all our immigration laws that are in place, and do everything legally. Welcome, Brother American!

    For those who try to skirt the System? Go back home TODAY.

  7. Guess he hasn't seen what Europe is going thru

  8. He's still a Meat Head !

  9. These people live in a bubble. Illegal immigration does not affect their lives one bit. They have all the wealth they need to live a sheltered and posh life. No worries about their jobs being taken by illegals willing to work for peanuts. Our society has been undermined by these open society liberals for too long. Hey Rob Reiner, go f*** yourself.

  10. Who cares what "Meathead" thinks? Just another liberal Democrat spouting off stupid remarks. Always talking about racism. Truly just another liberal idiot that lives up to his name of being a meathead.


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