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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Laptops And Phones In The Classroom: Yea, Nay Or A Third Way?

"If something on their desk or in their pocket dings, rings or vibrates — they will lose focus."

"Students are doing so much in class, distraction and disruption isn't really something I worry about."

How should teachers — both K-12 and college — deal with the use of computers and phones by students in class?

On the one hand, those sleek little supercomputers promise to connect us to all human knowledge. On the other hand, they are also scientifically designed by some of the world's top geniuses to feel as compelling as oxygen.

So where does that leave teachers? Should you ban these devices in the classroom? Let students go whole hog? Or is there a happy medium?

This seemingly simple topic ends up being what one professor and pedagogy expert calls "a Rorschach test for so much that's going on in education."



  1. Design a device with desired restrictions and capabilities just for classroom use and prohibit all other devices unless specifically authorized. It'll be cheaper than laptops, kids won't be texting and surfing, and maybe, just maybe, they can learn again.

  2. Take them out of schools!!!!! Go back to the old way - less distruption, higher grades, smarter kids!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 11:07 you are the clear exception..

  4. @1:40 would you care to elaborate on your unintelligent response?

  5. School districts in areas with money, educated residents and high scholastic ratings have been issuing computers to every student in high school for years. Might explain why 95% of the graduating class go on to some of the top universities.

  6. I actually agree with the statement made by 11:07. I believe that cell phones and laptops should not be allowed in schools in grades k-12. In today's world there is a time and a place for everything and that includes cell phones and laptops. How much tax dollars are spent each year on technology in the schools? Alot! Bringing cell phones and laptops to school creates alot of situations that should not arise in schoools. Students are in school to learn. It may not be a distraction to you if your cell phone goes off in class, but that does not mean that it wasn't disruptive or a distraction to other students. Not everyone gives their child a cell phone, so this also creates unneeded jealousy, and can lead to hostile situations. If cell phones are not allowed in school then that is a dead issue! What age is too young for a child to have a cell phone in school? I have seen 2 year olds being given a cell phone to keep them distracted! Should a 6 year old be allowed to play with a cell phone in school, or are they there to learn? People complain that Teachers are not doing their jobs, but then you also want to give kids a distraction so they don't care about what they are supposed to be learning. This is a touchy subject, and can lead to alot of problems if some ages are allowed and others aren't so the only thing to do is not allow cell phone or lap tops to be brought to school.

  7. Have of them couldn't make class if they didn't have their phones

  8. Anonymous said...
    11:07 you are the clear exception..

    January 25, 2018 at 1:40 PM

    What a dumb comment. You must be one of them Entitlement Whores that wants free stuff at someone elses expense.

  9. I supported allowing the kids to use their smartphones in Wicomico Schools a couple of years ago, but now I'm against it. My kids text me all day long. If I'm able to text my kids all the time then who else are they texting and you can't tell me the teacher doesn't notice it.


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