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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Kentucky to add Medicaid work requirement; first state to follow Trump plan

Kentucky received the green light Friday to require many of its Medicaid recipients to work in order to receive coverage.

The Bluegrass State thus becomes the first state to act on the Trump administration’s unprecedented change that could affect millions of low-income people receiving benefits.

Under the new rule, adults age 19 to 64 must complete 80 hours of "community engagement" per month to keep their care. That includes working a job, going to school, taking a job-training course or volunteering.

"There is dignity associated with earning the value of something that you receive," Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said. "The vast majority of men and women, able-bodied men and women ... they want the dignity associated with being able to earn and have engagement."



  1. Good news!

    Love my Southern states!

  2. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides free or low-cost health coverage to millions of Americans, including some low- income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

    So the elderly and disabled must work 80 hours to get health benefits? Sounds fair. Put grandmom to work picking up trash along the highway.

  3. NO more freebies. It's about damn time.

  4. It states adults 19 - 64. Where did you see elderly or disabled 80 year old Grandma's. Amazing dumb!

  5. 7:08 Do you really, I mean really, believe that?

    1. Believe what statement. Could you be more precise?


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