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Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Judge Upholds Controversial Bill Requiring Taxpayers to Fund Abortions in Illinois

An Illinois Circuit Court judge rejected an attempt to block House Bill 40, which requires Illinois residents to pay for abortions regardless of their moral convictions in the matter.

The bill forces Illinois state residents to fund abortions of Medicaid recipients and state employee health insurance beneficiaries and sets no expense ceiling nor a limit on the number of abortions that Medicaid will cover.

On Thursday, a conservative, pro-life law firm filed for an emergency injunction concerning a recent lawsuit — Springfield Right to Life v. Norwood — in which the plaintiffs are seeking a restraining order and injunction against the bill.

Associate Judge Jennifer M. Ascher of Illinois’s Seventh Judicial Circuit Court heard the case Thursday and denied the request for an emergency injunction.



  1. Once again activist judges making up their own laws.

  2. I thought it was already against Federal law?!


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