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Thursday, January 18, 2018

If The Democrats Got Their Way...


  1. Democrats don't need the votes. MD is a blue state and the electoral votes have gone to republican presidential candidate.

  2. Democrats for destroying America.

  3. Hopefully homeland security will be arresting him soon.

  4. That is what it is all about. A good decent honest person would not ever identify with the democrat party so they have to regrow their voter base. The democrat party is the party of perverts, liars, losers and the rest of the dregs of society. Their platform is the very same as the doctrine of satan.

  5. So true, that is why Democrats are fighting voter verification laws.

  6. 5:39 We can only hope. It will be nice to have another Democratic governor like O'Malley again.

  7. I pray every night his cancer will come back and get him fast !

  8. O'Malley was with out a doubt the worse Gov. MD has ever had to endure. I Hope he's gone off into the sunset and never returns.

  9. 9:07, you are by far the biggest jackass. Who in their right mind who say I pray every night that his cancer comes back. I am a two time cancer patient and I say "You are sick."

    1. That person is just looking for attention with that cancer praying talk. They just want to get a rise out of someone.

  10. 7:26 - 9:07 is just another ignorant wanna be republican that isn't smart enough to realize who could replace Hogan next election.


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