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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hungary's PM: "We Don't See Them As Refugees, We See Them As Muslim Invaders"

In an interview with German newspaper Bild, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban called the migrant crisis an invasion.

He said:

“We do not consider these people to be Muslim refugees, we regard them as Muslim invaders.”

“One has to cross four countries to arrive from Syria in Hungary”, Orban said.

“Those people do not run for their lives but seek a better life. The refugees should have requested admission in advance, but instead they had breached the border illegally.”

As Deutsche Welle reports, according to Orban what Europe has seen was not a wave of refugees, but an invasion. He mentioned that he never understood how in a country like Germany the chaos and the illegal crossing of borders could be celebrated as something good.

When asked by Bild whether it was fair for Germany to accept hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants while Hungary accepted none, Orban responded:

"The difference is, you wanted the migrants, and we didn't."

Migration, he said, threatens the "sovereignty and cultural identity" of Hungary.

The Hungarian prime minister rejected the idea that his country should accept people from Muslim-majority countries.



  1. I'm sure Jesus would feel the same way. Half you shorebillies can't cope with the fact that Jesus was brown either.

  2. Within ten years all of Europe will be controlled by Muslims

  3. Germany can blame their troubles on Angelia Merkel. In all honesty I'm surprized that is still alive.I bet she wouldn't walk unescorted thru a muslim no go zone area because she knowes damn well she would be attacked,maybe even raped and killed. Not that she doesn't deserve it.

  4. 7:51,

    I'm glad you're qualified to speak about the Lord.

  5. Hey, 8:58, 7:51 worked at the same factory as Jesus and she was brown- skinned! I know, I was their supervisor! I rode my unicorn there every day, rain or shine, LOL!

  6. I'm no shorebilly and I can't cope with the fact that they are all savages who want to kill us.


  7. When it comes to the issue of muslim immigration, there's only two things you can be-- realistic or stupid.

    The Islamic faith has a clear history that demonstrates their desire for world domination at whatever cost (as in 'forcing their religion on others', for you trolls who want to try to defend them)

    They also have a clear history of violence (not all of them, but more than enough of them to present a clear danger to western countries who admit them.)

    There is no real middle ground..

    Unless they are well-vetted and prepared to fully assimilate and contribute, they need to remain in countries that share their beliefs and practices. They will be much happier and more successful there.


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