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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

History Lesson


  1. We better hope he or at least another Republican wins in 2020 because if that Obama loving Oprah runs she could win and that would be the end of America as we know it. We all better work hard to make sure we don't lose control of congress in November and then we're looking at 2020.

    1. Have you ever heard her try to answer a question off script? She falls apart. She wouldn't last a month during town hall meetings. #MEGA

  2. 7:12...she will win unless Republicans find the courage to challenge this dangerous lunatic. Do the math!

  3. 957-LOL

    The math is simple, "it's the economy, stupid.". Stock market at record highs. Unemployment falling across the board, for every demographic. Six trillion in wealth created since HillDog lost. 2M+ new jobs, without ANY Obamanomics needed. Gov't jobs getting cut. ISIS destroyed. Median wages increasing. 91-93% of middle income wage earners getting tax cuts.

    And liberals are slobbering at the boots of Oprah, why? Because they've failed.

    1. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. I’m a republican at heart but we’re backing the wrong horse with Trump. He’s completely unqualified and dangerously reckless. Stable genius? Hardly.

  4. Hillary thought she could win also, just saying.

  5. 9:57 - you are right. She will win and 7:12 - you are right because that will definitely be the end.

  6. 11:58 over confidence was the Democrats mistake, you have to remember Oprah isn't just any old black woman she will have all major TV and news papers behind her and she will get as much attention as Trump got maybe more. GOD help us we better not relax for one minute and we better not lose control of congress. Also we better hope an opening comes up on the supreme court real soon. I don't mean to sound pessimistic but we could be in for a battle royale and we better be ready.


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