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Monday, January 29, 2018

Health Ranger’s Theory: The Flu Vaccine Is Causing The Flu Outbreak

If there is any part of you that’s inquisitive you’ve likely wondered how on Earth this year’s flu could be so bad. After all, we have vaccines and Western medicine’s advancements in technology to help people. But the Health Ranger says that is the exact problem with the influenza outbreak.

As the reports continue to come in that this influenza outbreak is killing about 100 people a day, many begin to wonder what the purpose of getting a vaccine that’s only 10% effective could possibly be. “What you’re never told, is that some of those deaths are because of the flu vaccine,” Mike Adams, the Health Ranger said. And Adams theory is that the vaccine is not only responsible for the outbreak of the flu, but for some of the deaths associated with it.

*Before continuing, this is not to say you should get the vaccine or you should not get the vaccine. You should, however, research the ingredients of the flu vaccine and possible side effects and come to the conclusion on your own whether or not this shot is right for you and your family.*

Adams wants people to know what they aren’t being told about this year’s flu by those who profit heavily by injecting people with the flu shot.

“It turns out that the flu shot, even when it works, which is rare because it’s usually the wrong strain but sometimes it works, but it creates vulnerability to influenza infections in subsequent years. In other words, there’s something about the flu shot (we can talk about what that is because we know) that weakens your immune system.”



  1. Have never gotten a flu shot and never will

  2. Knock wood, I don't get the shot, never have, and have not gotten anything but a 24 hour flu 7 years ago for the last one.

  3. Sex causes Pregnancy too. Another study used to waste tax dollars.

  4. The purpose of the vaccines is to weaken the immune system.
    The elites are at war here.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Have never gotten a flu shot and never will
    January 29, 2018, at 7:18 PM

    Yup, right there with ya. Any flu shot is a guessing game. They guess which strain will be most prevalent then issue a flu shot for it. If that particular strain doesn't show up or is not widespread it's another waste of time. Guess again there Dr. God.

  6. Is it just me or are comments working again?

  7. These pathetic websites that tout completely ridiculous ideas do major harm to what is known science. Anyone that believes this would also believe the world is flat. Bunk

  8. The one time I got the flu shot was when I got the flu soon afterward. Coincidence? I think not!

  9. 5:16 - ever heard of the Vaccine Court? (it's a secret)

  10. I have never seen the flu vaccine hyped and promoted as much as I have this year. I can' get a prescription filled, or go to the doctor's office, without someone asking me to get the shot from them. Even my workplace promoted FREE flu shots to all the employees. All my doctor's have asked me when I go for any kind of visit. I have said NO over and over. Funny with all the push for getting the shot, its a record year for the flu, and flu related deaths. What's up with that? I believe Big Pharma is selling an ineffective product, or is conducting a misleading marketing campaign. Or maybe they ARE giving us the flu.


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