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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Governor Hogan: You Simply Can't Keep Spending More Money Than You're Taking In


  1. That sounds like a line for raising taxes. And that's why balanced budget amendments / requirements are so dangerous. It does nothing to reduce spending, rather it just assures tax increases every time the politicians approve more spending. There's nothing to stop them from spending more, as more spending will just kick in more taxes. Politicians LOVE balanced budget requirements.

  2. OK, Larry, so why is the state of Maryland giving $500,000 to Salisbury for an "amphitheater" for the Fulk Festival? That's a huge waste of the taxpayer's dollars.

  3. 9:12,

    Larry's budget also includes almost $500,000 for Salisbury to run sewer lines to serve two homes that probably are not worth half that much. He is as big tax and spend as O'malley was. Can you say "reelection"?

  4. Elections are coming. He is in damage mode. We haven't heard from him much since he got elected, until now.

    Kind of late to game Larry! You did some great things in beginning like the bridge toll, and ezpass. Well sales tax is still at 6%, taxes in this state are still some of the highest in the nation, and state services have suffered due to understaffing.

    Business still don't want to come to Maryland, and you showed your true colors during the presidental election by not supporting Trump. I believe this has hurt the state.

    Because of you, we will probably get another liberal Democrat, like O'Malley in the next election.

    Like Rich Colburne, you talk a good game, but your actions, or lack of action speak louder than words!

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 18, 2018 at 5:48 PM

    Well Larry, stop sucking up to those Communist Liberals in Annapolis and start cutting their pet projects.


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