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Friday, January 12, 2018

Governor Hogan: We Will Find You, We Will Arrest You, And We Will Prosecute You


  1. And after we prosecute you most likely you will be let off with a slap on wrist.

  2. There won't be many prison personell left if they find and fire everyone who has done some crooked crap at their work place,anything from bringing in cigarettes ,drugs,cell phones to stealing money left for a prisoner.Believe me the ammount of crooked crap that goes on is way more than just a little bit.

  3. Kinda like omally and his camera scheme? Or you mean like the gerrymandering schemes? Or do you mean like the all the violating of Constitutional Rights or MD citizens by your GA? ...the list is so long...

  4. And we will let you go too

  5. Oh but they just announce amnesty for parking tickets in Baltimore! Baltimore needs to give back to the entire state of maryland instead they are still holding their hand out wanting more!!!!!!!!

  6. Drain this corrupt swamp!

  7. If you lie with dogs you get fleas. They (guards) are surrounded (outnumbered) by criminals. They can't help but be influenced by criminal behavior for that reason. The choice to ACT on that influenced behavior it theirs alone, however.

    Putting on any costume does not make one perfect or void of human traits. It does give them an enhanced chance of getting away with bad behavior by wearing that costume (and badge).


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