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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Go home Hillary, you’re DRUNK: Hillary Clinton trashes Trump on Haiti, gets RIPPED by Conservatives

Hillary Clinton tweeting about Haiti and trying to shame Trump for calling the country a sh*thole may be the most out of touch and ridiculous thing we’ve seen on Twitter, and we’ve seen a LOT of stupid stuff on the social media giant. Especially with what we know about the Clinton Foundation and the way they used Haiti for donations to pay for things like weddings.

Hillary Clinton

The anniversary of the devastating earthquake 8 years ago is a day to remember the tragedy, honor the resilient people of Haiti, & affirm America’s commitment to helping our neighbors. Instead, we‘re subjected to Trump’s ignorant, racist views of anyone who doesn’t look like him.
Grammy really should go back to lurking in the woods.

12 Jan
Hillary Clinton

The anniversary of the devastating earthquake 8 years ago is a day to remember the tragedy, honor the resilient people of Haiti, & affirm America’s commitment to helping our neighbors. Instead, we‘re subjected to Trump’s ignorant, racist views of anyone who doesn’t look like him.

J. Mannarino@MannarinoJoey
How dare you tweet about the anniversary of that disaster after you stole so much money from the proud Haitian people? What you and your sicko husband did to that country should be criminal! You are truly a vile individual!! You STOLE from that country!!


  1. She and Bill stole from everyone worldwide who donated to Haiti's recovery. The Haitians were hurt the worst, but Hillary is oblivious to others' needs because hers come first.

  2. No wonder Bill is always cheating on her. Even he is repulsed by that hatefull pig.

  3. Let's not forget that Hillary's brother stole some too.

  4. I still wake up everyday thankful that the fat nasty scum is never to enter our White House again. Sorry for getting personal, but I couldn't print what I really think about the vile trashy one.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  5. Gosh, Hillary, you sort of look like him, but he sees you for what you really are, regardless of looks. Most of the rest of us do, too, regardless of our looks.

  6. Hillary's brother has a 28 year gold mining lease to continue stealing.
    I wonder how many of those who were gifted opportunities in post-quake Haiti made generous donations to the CF, or are still pumping some cash the Clintons' way.

  7. Yeah, but her brother employs a lot of Haitians in the mines.

    Guess what they get paid?

    Liberals, all about human rights and their heroes, the clintons, look the other way and
    keep cheering.

  8. Put them in jail, please.

  9. They get paid at least the nation's minimum wage, which is $817.00 per year. Yes, year.


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