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Thursday, January 04, 2018

Frustrated Democrats threaten to move on from Nancy Pelosi, leadership if party falls short in midterms

If Democrats somehow fail to flip the House in November, rank-and-file members in increasing numbers say they are going to clean shop, demanding House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and other party leaders step aside.

Democrats are heavily favored to win back the House in the 2018 midterms but anything can happen in 11 months. And even if Democrats manage to win the 24 seats needed to secure the majority, there’s a growing chorus of members who want to see change at the top.



  1. yeah right. she owns you

  2. She's perfect for the job!

  3. It took until 2018 to do this? Good grief Rip Van Winkles - WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

  4. George Soros will decide who goes.

  5. You all Democrats are in complete denial if you don't think George Soros don't control the Democrat party.


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