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Monday, January 29, 2018

Foss: "Is The Trump Revolution Over?"

A year after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, analysts and commentators are assessing both his performance in the first year of his presidency as well as the outlook for the remainder of his first term. Entering office as a surprise winner and a political neophyte, many people didn’t know just what to expect from Trump. Would he do what he pledged to do as a candidate, or was his campaign rhetoric just a lot of hot air to bamboozle enough people into voting for him?

One of Trump’s most popular promises was to “drain the swamp” and, while the President has tried to make some strides in that respect over the past year, there are concerning signs that any swamp draining may be coming to an end.

Personnel Is Policy

One of the primary rules in politics is “personnel is policy.” What a politician says he’ll do is less important than who he hires to implement his policies. In many cases, the people he hires may not agree with his policies and may work to surreptitiously (or not so surreptitiously) undermine and co-opt him. We certainly see this on Capitol Hill all the time, where class after class of freshman Congressmen enters Congress pledging to fix the way Congress works. Yet time after time they get corrupted by the system in Washington. Why is that? It’s because of the people they hire.

Coming into office often with no experience of how things operate in DC, they rely on their respective party apparatuses to staff their offices. They’ll hire Hill veterans as their chiefs of staff and legislative directors, staffers who are more concerned with the future of their careers and who consequently do everything they can not to upset party leadership so that they can maintain their ability to work on the Hill and work the government/lobbying revolving door. We’re seeing much the same thing happening in the White House today too, asTrump continues to hire establishment Republicans who wouldn’t be out of place in a Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or John McCain White House.



  1. Mr. Trump (at the behest of his bosses) is doing everything he can to stop this mini-pretend-revolution.
    It is laughable.
    Everything is contrived.

  2. Well i think that he has done a decent job but i really wish he would stop with the petty tweets. Its beneath him... i get that it gets around the MSM but the pettiness is either brilliant in its distracting nature or immature. Still trying to figure put which, but let the hysteria meltdown of the left speak for itself and take the high road. The tweets just fuel their fire. Ignore and move on... just more infantile behavior so be above it. Just my thoughts on wanting to see a dignified debate from both the center right and left (not the polar extremes). Am i wrong or is that not what the gipper brought us?

  3. Keep on tweeting i say. Finally a president who does not deceive us like all the other did and still do. They cover for the globalist.

  4. The President's revolution has just begun. He got off to a cocky start as a billionaire and TV reality character but he's catching on and curbing his delusions and finding out how broken a business this country is. Just look at him. He already looks more concerned than confident and soberly engaged in the actuality of this train wrecked Nation that has been milked, belittled and sold out to corrupt global interests and conflicts we had no right to be in as we let our homeland crumble. Yeah he's a BOOB but he's got THIS !
    We may never be " Great " again but maybe we can begin breaking even and picking up the pieces and rebuilding and be on par with other modern first world countries. I travel and come back here and wonder WTF happened. Everything is dirty broken down and inefficient here. Crumbling highways and rail lines and filth everywhere. What happened to us ? Reagan's shinning city on the hill my ass !

    1. Obviously youve never been to nicaragua, colombia, or venezuela. I have. Be very very grateful.

  5. Oh, this Trump Revolution is only a year into eight! It's only going to get better and stronger. Then Pence can ride it another eight!

  6. Just getting started > Wait & see !!! Go Trump !!!


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