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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Fire at Bill and Hillary Clinton's Chappaqua House

12:22 PM PT -- The fire appears to have been on the second floor of the structure ... according to the local department, it's been mostly extinguished but crews are checking for anything additional.

The New York home of Bill and Hillary Clinton is on fire.

The Chappaqua Fire Dept. tells TMZ a structure on the property is ablaze and they are on the scene trying to control it.



  1. Did her private server catch fire?

  2. Must be trying to burn evidence of something...

  3. Call Johnny Dollar.

  4. Trying to destroy more evidence?

  5. dang paper records, just so many... what to do? hmmm... how bout a FIRE.

  6. They are such sick desperate pathetic dishonest people that it shouldn't surprise anyone if they did this to try and make themselves relevant in the news. Losers like her can't control themselves when things aren't going their way so this would be something the loser would do to try and gain sympathy instead of all the bad publicity.

  7. She was burning Bill's cigars. Doesn't think he'll need them anymore.

  8. Somebody probably got suicided in there

  9. Everybody seems to have the same thought,search warrants could be coming and there is evidence that needs to be destroyed. The Clintons are with out a doubt the most crooked politicians ever. Man I hope they wind up in prison.

  10. Sounds like a call for the law offices of Johnnie Cochran to find justice!!!!!!!!!!

  11. The FBI or the CIA set it so they could get in the house and rummage around unsupervised.
    They already work for her.

  12. You can't feed hard drives in the shredder Hillary. Try the garbage disposal Hon.

  13. Trying to burn all their paper trails and e-mails this is no accident but to try to get sympathy and at the same time dispose of anything that might bring charges on them. This is like all the falls she had when running for office, stopped as soon as they started.

  14. The house knew too much!!

  15. Tripped over the cord to the space heater and broke her toe...the tripping caused a spark and just happened to catch all those beautiful papers on fire. The media only reports the next broken toe. Poor dear.

  16. So sad to hear that the fire didn't consume them both, would have been a start to a great new year!

  17. Hillary is already demanding Putin be arrested for Arson.

  18. Now it's a fire insurance scam. Do these people have no limits?

  19. 456 is right, they found a guy in the house with 6 bullet holes in his head - definitely suicide

  20. There goes more evidence. Must have got a heads up from someone in the government.


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