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Friday, January 12, 2018

Feinstein Admits She Was Mentally Unstable When Releasing Fusion GPS Transcript

Amid all the 25th Amendment malarkey being thrown at the president, it is ironic that Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein admitted a "bad cold" may have impaired her mental faculties and caused her to release Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony.

This is the second excuse from Feinstein for her actions that so enraged Sen. Grassley. Earlier, as we detailed here, she admitted (then retracted) being "pressured" to release the transcripts.

And now, as The Daily Caller's Peter Hasson notes, Feinstein, 84, expressed regret on Wednesday for keeping Sen. Grassley in the dark, and suggested it was because of a “bad cold.”

“The one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley before,” she told NBC News.

“And I don’t make an excuse but I’ve had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities [sic] a little bit.”

Grassley said Tuesday that Feinstein’s decision to abruptly publish the documents was “confounding” and said he expected the documents to be released “when we both agreed to release it.”


1 comment:

  1. Yes She^^ had. Brain malfunction!! (*liberals"") see, it was the ""Same"" as Hillaryes ""bronchitis" that caused her faint!!@ it all adds Up!!^


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