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Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Federal Court Rules that HS Football Player Can't Be Forced to Stand During the National Anthem

A federal court has ruled that a high school in California cannot force a protesting player to stand for the national anthem.

The player, a Native American student referred to in court documents as “V.A.,” had been kneeling in protest during the national anthem. Copying the anthem protests which have become so prevalent in the NFL.

The San Pasqual Valley Unified School District had passed a rule banning anthem protests after an incident where students at a rival school, shouted racial slurs at San Pasqual students who were protesting during the anthem.

The attorney for V.A., Katie Traverso, released a statement hailing the federal court’s ruling.



  1. Then I shouldn't be forced to pay taxes if I'm protesting them!

  2. Force the player to make and endorse their statement. Play that and let the player deal with the back blow. Neither the teams or other players should be forced to own the situation.

  3. If his rights don't end at the school house door than if a student has a gun permit than they should be able to walk in the school with it.

  4. The statement speaks volumes.to me they are I spitting in the face of america. They are Not trying to change it from within the black ghetto communities. Instead they are blind to the democratic stranglehold of depair and enslavement. Thats the real problem lies. Its not whiteys fault they breed ignorant, irresponsible, disrepectful ingrate morons who keep voting democrats who Keep biting the hands that feeds them ..not very smart and will only further deepen the seeds of distaste and disgust and hatred.

    Guess their plan is working?

  5. Make him own it by putting it on his transcript IN BOLD LETTERS.

  6. If people hold out and refuse to support the NFL upon the principle of respect for our country's flag and what it stands for, then they will eventually have to close the locker rooms and go home. If the players were smart, they would give more of their money toward improving the neighborhoods where all the thugs are and there'd be fewer minorities having run-ins with police in the first place. And think of all that money fans will save to spend on making America even greater!

  7. Make it a rule that you must respect the flag or you are off the team.

  8. OF COURSE a student can't be forced to stand for the Anthem. What is wrong with you people?

    We are free, just as long as we do what you want us to do? Go pound sand.. the hubris to assume you can dictate what free people have to do.

    Compelling someone to stand for the anthem, insults the freedom it represents. For shame on all of you.. you have forgotten the face of your fathers.


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