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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Entitled Dem Sheila Jackson Lee: “I’m a queen and I demand to be treated like a queen!”

Affirmative action hire Sheila Jackson Lee demands to be treated like a queen. I think we should acquiesce to her demands and treat her like the queen…of stupid.

Earlier this week, Sheila Jackson Lee was caught on a United Airlines flight where a lesser peon was bumped out of first class so the distinguished lady from Texas could take the seat. The Texas representative has a long history of outbursts and arrogance, pulling stunts like making her staff driver her a single block to her destination. She uses her position of power and her black woman status to get away with just about anything.

She’s also been accused of calling her employees, “you stupid motherf***er,” while referring to herself as a queen. “You don’t understand. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen,” she was quoted saying in 1998. This is a moon bat who needs to be thrown out of Congress yesterday.



  1. Without bothering to read the article, the headline repulses me. We have no queens in the USA, and this drip is a troll.

  2. I think it's funny her middle name is Jackson. Tear that statue down!


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