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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Durbin: I’m Working ‘Full Time’ for DACA Illegal Aliens

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) says his sole focus in Congress is making sure illegal aliens are given amnesty to remain permanently in the United States.

In comments on Monday, Durbin said it is illegal aliens, not his Illinois constituents, who he is working “full time” and around the clock for.

Durbin said:

"Listen, politics ain’t beanbag. When you get into tough, complicated, contentious issues, sometimes rhetoric gets very fiery. If you don’t have a tough skin, this is not a good business to get into. I know what happened. I stand behind every word that I said in terms of that meeting.

"I’m focused on one thing — not that meeting — but on making sure that those who are being protected by DACA and eligible for the DREAM Act have a future in America. I am focused on that full time. "

More here


  1. Another one of all the obama disasters someone else is left to clean up. What's unfortunate is democrat voters are such ignoramuses they haven't any idea of the real story and those that do being democrats will just lie. obama had a democrat Congress for 2 yrs. He could have done something about this then but being typical ghetto hustler and lazy he did nothing but sign an executive order that he even himself admitted was illegal to delay the DACA's deportation. Now President Trump is left to clean up this mess created by the ghetto garbage obama.

  2. The blame also lies with the parents of these kids who thought so little of their own children that they would shove them illegally into a country.

  3. Full time on illegals, eh. But what about, you know, the American people?

    1. Democrats like Durbin will see the government shut down to help people who have no legal right to be here but won't do anything to help the American citizens and veterans. Typical politician. Thats why the swamp needs to be drained. He needs to get his priorities straight. As a politician, first priority get enough money and get reelected. Second get family and friends money and jobs. Third help non citizens. Last, help citizens have a better more secure country.

  4. He just admitted he is not doing the job he took and oath to do, he needs to be fired!

  5. Durban is a traitor and should be hanged

  6. Someone with tough skin is so quick to cry when he heard a bad word. What a hypocrite.

    1. So offended by s holes. You know he has said and called people worse in his lifetime.

  7. When will American citizens realize that each and every dollar spent on illegals is a dollar that should have gone to actual American Citizens?

  8. I wonder how the people of Illinois feel about their senator caring more about illegal aliens than he does about them.

  9. Folks, encourage all the deranged people you know to be a hero and kill this guy. If he does it he will be immortalized in history forever! (I am telling the 3 homeless guys under the bridge to do it).

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 17, 2018 at 6:13 PM

    What else would we expect from Chicago Crooked Democ-rat? He comes from the same cesspool as Obama, Emanuel and Holder. He will rather represent those DACA aliens than citizens of his state. Thats what DEM Party leaders consider "a Progress"? When will the people of Illinois wake up and kick this Durbin rat out of office?

  11. Demon-crats are the Real Aliens !!! Deport them

  12. Illegal aliens are not supposed to be protected by our laws. How about if you liberals start working for American citizens like you were elected to do? Disobeying the Constitution violates the oath of office these lawmakers took. Why are they still governing?

  13. He spend more time saving illegal immigrants but do NOTHING for American born citizens.

  14. I'm working full time to pay their kids schooling,welfare,English classes, and shore up (meap)heat bills.its nice to live in a country that gives you so much free and you can leave anytime no strings attached, no responsibilities taxes..wish I could do that.


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