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Friday, January 05, 2018

Didn't WBOC State This Morning Salisbury Got 12+ Inches


  1. Hell i said 7 the other day. I can start my new job next week.

  2. For 1000 "dullars" - this job requires no accountability.
    "What is meteorologist, Alex?


    The + sign allows the predictor to be off an inch or TWELVE!!!


  3. This storm was not hard to predict it was coming from the South and the ones that come from the South we always get hit hard. WBOC's Dan started backtracking on the amount of snow,I watched it at 3:59 AM and Dan had put it back to the 2 - 5". Channel 47 maintained the whole time that we were going to get up to 10 inches and possibly 12 inches in some areas of the county. And what was really unbelievable was that 4:00 yesterday afternoon Dan said his forecast on this storm had been right that he had predicted these high totals. I guess he did not remember his earlier snow totals that he had predicted. I am not bashing Dan but Dan with all his awards just cannot predict weather in this area and needs to go. Common sense should have told him to up the totals because this storm was coming from the South and we don't need a bunch of maps to predict what is coming our way.

  4. Joe, you kept us up to date with all the 'changes' coming from Wakefield...they had problems with this storm as well, but I knew we would get at least 8"...what was the final total in Salisbury area?

  5. On only decent thing to do is for Dan to submit his resignation. Delmarva deserves better than this. Maybe Dan can find some nice community college to teach Meteorology. There is a saying, those who can't teach!

  6. A broken clock is right twice a day, Dan not so much.

  7. 5:30 news and Dan still refuses to admit he was wrong on his forecast.
    The bastard needs to go!!!!
    Why in the hell does WBOC still keep this arrogant pos?
    He said he may have been off by a few inches!!!!!!!!!
    Dan needs to go!!!!

  8. Agreed Fire DAN SATERFEILD!

  9. He is dangerous giving inaccurate forecast, Send him packing wboc!


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