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Monday, January 29, 2018

Dershowitz: I Wouldn't Have Campaigned for Obama If I Knew About Farrakhan Photo

Saturday 0n Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Havard law professor Alan Dershowitz reacted to a photograph of President Barack Obama posing with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

At the time, Obama was a state senator, and according to Dershowitz, had he known Obama had posed with Farrakhan, he wouldn’t have supported him in his initial 2008 bid for the White House.

“Louis Farrakhan is a virulent anti-Semite,” he said. “He’s called Judaism a ‘gutter religion.’ He’s anti-American.”



  1. PROOF Obama is just like him , as we later found out !!!

  2. Birds of a Feather > Flock Together !!

  3. And I won't support a burnt out Harvard law professor that supported the liar that ran in "08. The same old professor that stated on FOX that he voted for the fat failed candidate in '16. You would think a law professor would have a little common sense to go with all those smarts.

  4. Other Birds of a feather incl Pelosi ,Shumer , Hillary ,
    Lynch , Comey , All Anti American .....!!

  5. May as well have had Farakon as POTUS , like Obama !!!

    Votors won't forget the last 8 years either .....Fact

  6. In Russia or China & many other places 11:44 they would be
    Executed .....they are lucky they live here !!

  7. We all knew what 0bama was in 2007. Come on Dershowitz - you should have known if you didn't.

  8. let me get this straight, one of the smartest guys in the world just figured this out??

    So much for the "intelligentsia"

  9. This is the reason why I DID NOT VOTE for him. It was definitely covered during the first election and when I brought it up didn't seem to change the opinion, people voted for obama because he was black and I was accused of being racist.

  10. And Dershowitz probably thinks he is a smart fellow, what with being a Harvard law professor, & all. Did he believe Obama, and all he said he stood for, just because he was black, and because Alan was a progressive Harvard schooled lawyer? I am not a Harvard schooled graduate, but I knew Obama was a deception. He was, and is, exactly what I thought he was and is. That picture is no surprise to me.

  11. Proof to NOT vote based on Race ( Obama ) America !!!

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 29, 2018 at 8:35 PM

    It took Professor Dershowitz almost 10 years to figure this out? Some of us with common sense already knew in 2007, but nobody wanted to listen.


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