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Monday, January 22, 2018

Democrat attorneys general compete to churn out lawsuits against Trump’s agenda

With Democrats struggling to stop President Trump in Washington, a cadre of attorneys general have stepped up to claim leadership of the anti-Trump resistance, using the courts to try to derail the administration’s agenda.

Massachusetts, New York and California are leading the way, with Maryland, Washington and Hawaii also playing major roles in launching legal battles to stop executive actions on issues such as immigration, the environment and Obamacare.

“One thing that really stands out about 2017 is that the sheer quantity of lawsuits has really shot up dramatically even in comparison of the Obama years, which of course was an escalation of what had occurred in previous administrations,” said Paul Nolette, a Marquette University political science professor who tracks the lawsuits and has counted dozens filed in the past 12 months.

Legal scholars say state attorneys general have become more organized and have the capability to respond rapidly to policies and regulations.

[How Attorneys General Became Democrats’ Bulwark Against Trump]

[Soros Fingerprints All Over Anti-Trump Lawsuits]


  1. Monkey See Monkey Do and MD useful idiot AG is falling right in step. Typical democrat making up lies and wasting time instead of doing their jobs. It's beyond Drain the Swamp. It's flush the crap like frosh down the toilet. At least swamp water serves some purpose. Crap like frosh serves none, never has and never will.

  2. Waste of money in this case . Basically wasting state and federal tax dollars when at best they can only postpone an Executive Decision.

  3. Democrats against Citizens of America.


  4. I keep wondering where the red line is for 'sedition'..

  5. It was passed many moons ago 4:34. They shoud be setting up the gallows yesterday. My guess is they dont have enough rope

  6. It was passed many moons ago 4:34. They shoud be setting up the gallows yesterday. My guess is they dont have enough rope


  7. They're just Froshing at the mouth making noise, judge shopping and being obstructionists.

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