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Thursday, January 25, 2018

DELUSIONAL: MSNBC Anchor Joy Reid Says The Democrats Only Look Bad Because The Media Loves Republicans

On Monday, following Democrats’ failed attempt to shut down the government in order to pressure Republicans into re-enshrining President Obama’s executive amnesty, MSNBC anchor Joy Reid took to Twitter to express her outrage. And she blamed . . . the Republican-leaning media.

Yes, seriously.
Now, in case you were wondering if Reid is living in an alternative universe, she is: just 7% of journalists identify as Republicans, as opposed to 18% in 2002 and 26% in 1971. And according to the Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, the press coverage of President Trump has been unprecedentedly nasty: in the first 100 days of his administration, CNN and NBC covered bad news for Trump at a 13-1 rate over good news. That rate was paralleled by other left-leaning outlets.



  1. I'll have what's she's having....it must be some good sh*t!!!

  2. oh man they have really let the loons take over!!!

  3. Somebody isn't taking their Thorazine as prescribed.

  4. And this happened WHEN? 1784?

  5. Yeah, right. FOX alone against how many other networks?


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