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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Declaration of Emergency Rescinded

The County Declaration of Emergency effective January 3, 2018 at 11:50 pm dealing with severe winter weather throughout the County is hereby rescinded on January 7, 2018 at noon. The Declaration of Emergency dealt with severe winter weather (extreme cold temperatures, high winds, icy roadways, accumulation of snow, blowing and drifting snow) which was hazardous to the safe operation of motor vehicles on roadways and threatening to homes and other structures throughout the County. 

County Executive Bob Culver continues to urge citizens to use extreme caution when driving.


  1. Good thing I knew what the County Executive's name is.

  2. I wish that someone would plow Emerson Ave.

  3. Does this mean I will get mail again ? Post office would not let me pick up because it was on the truck but the truck NEVER came to my house? Anyone no? Thank you

  4. What do you mean 5:04

  5. Excuse me, 8:12 read it.


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