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Monday, January 08, 2018

Danes Consider Mandatory Curfew for Youths in Migrant Populated Ghettos

The populist Danish People’s Party (DF) has suggested the government consider a mandatory curfew for under 18s in migrant ghetto areas in order to prevent disorder and delinquency.

The DF has proposed that all children below the age of 18 living in the ghetto areas should be required to be off the streets no later than 8 pm every night. DF MP Martin Henriksen argued that children should not be allowed outside on their own in areas that were prone to criminality, both for their own safety and to make sure they do not get caught up in criminality themselves, Jylland Posten reports.

“Young people, for example, 10, 11 or 12 years old, should not run around in the late evening hours if they live in an area where there is crime and insecurity,” Henriksen said.

“It is important that they are at home with their family instead of being out with criminal elements that can affect them in a negative direction,” he added.



  1. Who is gonna enforce it?

  2. They should all be in bed by 9 PM or get a beating. Pussy footing around with youths is a waste of time.


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