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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Budweiser drops to 4th most Popular Beer in US

Bud Light knocked Budweiser to second place in 2001. Both beers are made by Anheuser-Busch InBev, which has its U.S. headquarters in St. Louis. Last year, A-B featured St. Louis in its Super Bowl ad, touting Budweiser’s local roots that date back to 1876.

Budweiser has grown its international sales but its U.S. sales have been declining for decades.

Anheuser-Busch’s flagship Budweiser beer now sells less than a third as much as it did in 1988, when the market was less crowded, according to Eric Shepard, the executive editor of Beer Marketer’s Insights, a trade publication focused on beer industry statistics and trends.

In response to the lower ranking, Budweiser vice president Ricardo Marques noted Budweiser’s leading position in the lager category. “Budweiser remains the leader of the classic lager segment — and continues to see consistent improvements in brand health and consideration, with consideration being the number one indicator of future sales,” Marques said in a statement to the Post-Dispatch. “Budweiser is in a strong position for the future, and we are very confident in our current plans and the year ahead of us.”



  1. Here comes The King, here comes the big Number One! Budweiser beer, the king is second to none. Just say Budweiser, you've said it all.

    Dilly Dilly!


    Times sure have a changed!


  2. Covered in American flags yet owned by Belgium.

  3. I quit buying this beer years ago when they were purchased by Inbev corp a Belgium company. They are no longer an American owned beer. I now drink Yingling or a a local microbrew. If I drink an Import, it's a German beer like Becks or an Irish or British ale.

  4. Not sure the words beer and Budweiser even belong in the same sentence.

  5. 2:52, I like Beck's too, but it's made here now, in St. Louis! Can you still buy a bottle of Beck's that was actually made in Germany?

    1. On your same point, isnt Bud made here? You guys really need to step your knowledge game up. If you care about america jobs, support companies that are manufacturing and investing here. Doesnt matter if they are internationally owned. You people do realize despite being on the shore it really is a world economy.

    2. That’s great information but Budweiser still tastes like pi$$.

  6. To the pit of misery

  7. Can anyone say "Industrial Beer" ?

    B.T.W. the headquarters is not in St. Louis it is:

    Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Headquarters

    Brouwerijplein, 1
    3000 Leuven

    They like to buy up Microbreweries and monopolize the local markets


    They (AB-InBev) just bought a homebrew supply company in an attempt to stop the outbreak of microbreweries.

    When does the antitrust investigation begin by our government?

    Bowahahahahahahah. Never, they don't give a rip about you and me.

  8. 5:54 Must be one of them millennial brew masters at one of our local crap beer breweries. $9 per 6 pack! LMAO.

  9. Hey all you employees at Anheuser Bush...the weekend is coming and I will do my damn best to get you some overtime!!!!


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