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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Breaking News: Stephen Bannon is leaving his post at Breitbart News. He lost support among conservative backers after he was denounced by President Trump.

Stephen K. Bannon is stepping down from his post as executive chairman of Breitbart News, the company will announce on Tuesday.

Mr. Bannon’s departure, which was forced by a onetime financial patron, Rebekah Mercer, comes as Mr. Bannon remained unable to quell the furor over remarks attributed to him in a new book in which he questions President Trump’s mental fitness and disparages his elder son, Donald Trump Jr.


  1. Sounds like he can't hold his drink.

  2. Another alt right whack nut.

    1. Who else do you consider alt right? Besides the CLINTONS and Chuck!

  3. Loose lips sink ships.

  4. Alt right ? Laughable he was the leaker.

  5. I like Bannon, Kushner is a scum bag.

  6. How many people have to have their careers ruined before they learn its not nice to mess with Trump? He doesn't just sit back and take it. He WILL come after you.


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