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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

BREAKING NEWS A Hawaii emergency worker did not send the missile alert accidentally, mistaking an internal drill for a real threat, the F.C.C. said

The state worker in Hawaii who sent a false wireless alert warning of an inbound ballistic missile on Jan. 13 issued the message intentionally, thinking the state faced an actual threat, the Federal Communications Commission said on Tuesday.

Officials had previously described the episode as an accident.


  1. Bunch of real Bozos working in Hawaii. No wonder they were able to fake BO's birth certificate without anybody knowing.

  2. If I lived in Hawaii, I would say, Thanks Dude!

    He did what he thought was right.
    One cannot fault him for that.

  3. Fault the system, not the operator.

  4. He must of got a message with his decoder ring. With something like that isnt there a group to decide not just one person?


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