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Monday, January 08, 2018

Blue State Blues: Why Isn't Mitt Romney Running for Senate in Massachusetts?

Mitt Romney changed his Twitter profile location from “Massachusetts” to “Holladay, UT” as soon as Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) announced his retirement on Tuesday.

It is clear that Romney intends to run for the open seat, and pundits agree that he is likely to win. But in all the speculation about whether Romney would run in Utah, no one has asked whether he should, or what broader purpose his victory there would serve, beyond his own ambitions.



  1. He has multiple houses in various states. He's not the answer to any problem. Hope Utah has a residency law that hobbles him. Stay away, Mitt!

  2. Do not need his a$$ in office. Too little too late!!

  3. OH please another retread Libs? HHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHHA

  4. Why didn't they ask why Hillary didn't run for Senate in Arkansas?? Or DC? They spent 8 years in DC so I would say that was their address.

  5. Mitt, please contact the other failure that use to hold Maryland hostage. He is pitiful also and you both should move to some third world country if you want to stand out. Thank you


  6. The failed 2012 candidate is just a well-to-do carpetbagger with nice hair and big houses in many states. Not the best choice.

  7. Why not Mass, prob because he was treated with prostate cancer this past summer? Is it worth it he might ask himself? I have all this money he may say to himself?

    Come on man!


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