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Sunday, January 21, 2018

BEFORE The BS Hits The Fan, There's Two Sides To Every Story. This Side Is The TRUTH.

January 14, 2018

Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Rob Mulford. I am the owner of Market Street Inn. Here at Market Street, we have served the Salisbury community since 2001. Since that time, much has changed. Salisbury has grown. It has been fun to watch many of my early employees, who have moved on, to raise families, start businesses, buy homes, and live and reside here on the Eastern Shore or elsewhere. I have also had the pleasure of seeing my customers, over the years, grow, evolve, learn, change, and experience life, through its ups and downs. Since the beginning, however, our goal has remained the same: to provide high-quality food in a welcoming atmosphere, all the time. Whether it is for a celebratory dinner with friends and family, or simply to get a beer and a sandwich on a football Sunday, we want you to come to Market Street and feel at home. That goal will never change.

As a restaurant owner in our community, sometimes I experience firsthand the materialization of what I believe is an old Ben Franklin quote—you cannot make all the people happy all of the time. Trust me, we try. We currently have a staff of about 50 people, from backgrounds of all kinds, who are trained to prioritize our customers, and consistently meet their expectations. Unfortunately, however, when dealing with high volume, customers and staff, food that must be prepared and sold, rules that must be followed, and bills that must be paid, once in a while a customer leaves our restaurant with an experience that falls short of our goal. Often, when a customer feels this way, we must “agree to disagree.” But we always listen, and we always care, and we always want to make things better and implement the same goal since day one—to make you feel at home.

Recently, and regrettably, we had four customers who left our restaurant dissatisfied. Two of these customers asked to buy alcoholic beverages, and produced drivers’ licenses that my employees, including management, carefully examined and could not be convinced were authentic. They checked the identifications very closely and deliberately, and at the end, in an abundance of caution, declined to serve those two customers their drinks. At no time whatsoever did we deny these customers service. We were simply exercising our judgment, which include safety and legal concerns, to decline serving alcohol without proper identification. We were prepared to continue serving these customers food, non-alcoholic beverages, and offer the same welcoming atmosphere we continuously strive to provide at Market Street. These customers, however, felt otherwise. Since this time, they have initiated a campaign, much through social media, claiming they were discriminated against as “women of color.” The post at issue includes the following allegations:

While we disagree that race, national origin, or color had any impact whatsoever in our decision to not sell these customers alcohol, we take these concerns seriously, and we care, and we would like to make clear that we respect these concerns, and will always try harder to make our customers feel welcome. We are open to everyone, colorblind, always have and always will be. In addition, here at Market Street, we know with our success comes responsibility. Underage drinking, especially in a college town, is widespread, and we want to take every precaution possible to ensure that we only serve alcohol to those of legal age. We train our staff, including management, to error on the side of caution; the City of Salisbury has been good to us, and we strive to uphold our end of the bargain, to follow every standard and help keep our community safe.

Here at Market Street, diversity is what makes us work. I can assure you, when it comes to customers, clients and employees, we have seen, accepted and welcomed all walks of life, from everywhere, and that is what makes us who we are. We are here to serve the community in which we work and live. We are open seven days a week—to everyone-- and we want you to come, sit down, relax, eat and drink, and feel good and like you are with old friends. That was my goal in 2001 and that is my goal today. The Salisbury community has been extraordinarily supportive to me, through our ups and downs, and I remain committed to serving this city and giving back. Please feel free to stop by Market Street, and ask for me, Rob Mulford, if there is anything you would like to discuss, or if you would just like to have a good meal with friends.

Rob Mulford
Owner, Market Street Inn

Publishers Notes: I find it absolutely amazing the lengths this young lady went through to defame such a good man and honorable business. I read her Facebook post last night and was amazed at what I was seeing. IMHO, Rob could very easily file a serious lawsuit against these woman for defamation. Go back to where you came from because you young lady are a very spiteful and dangerous woman. 


  1. Post the original fb post and let the public really see what happened.

  2. Since when do muslims drink alcohol or eat at places that server pork products?

  3. I've seen this scenario played at other eating establishments; order all the food you want and then complain about something and expect the restaurant not to charge for the meal.

  4. 2:37, Why don't some of you Idiots, (that includes those of you who I rejected) look at this letter again. NONE of these people were refused seats or service. They, (2 of them with bubbled up out of state ID's) were refused ALCOHOL. This young lady turned it into a RACE thing and it had NOTHING to do with that. I had a liquor license, I know the rules and I also know the risks. They made the right call, period. How dare her turn this into race. My guess is she will live the rest of her life blaming the rest of the world for her color. Her post, lies and false information proves it. The video was the Officers opinion but ultimately it is the businesses call to serve someone, (anyone) or not. The Officer NEVER stated they were not welcome in the business.

  5. Read her comments and everything is all about racism. It's her narrative. Plain, simple and clear.

    1. It's all B.S. poor butt hurt snowflake can't come up with a real reason so it must be racism and or sexism. I say again. B.S

  6. What is the name tag that she's wearing?

  7. From the state of Mississippi:

    "Fees to Replace a MS Driver's License. The cost to receive a duplicate driver's license in Mississippi is $11. If you are requesting a duplicate ID card, it will cost you: $9, if you still have your original ID card".

    Obviously these young ladies have been too lazy to replace their ID's. It would've only cost them $9.00.

  8. Sarra Malik
    January 8, 2017 ·
    Does anyone know where I can get the Insanity workout on the internet for the free? Please don't say order a CD cause it's not gonna get delivered to these parts of the world unfortunately...

    Looks like laws only apply to others with this chick.

  9. She is not allowed to drink alcohol.

  10. In search of internet exposure and a payday. They are achieving their first goal. Joe, please do not give them any more exposure. Rob, We know where you stand. Don't be intimidated by these media whores.

  11. They are already posting negative reviews on Yelp.

    1. Then I suggest everyone of Market Street customers leave their own reviews on yelp.

  12. Sorry this happened to you sir. But if some people can't get their way race is the answer to them. Time to slap them out of life. Thank you and your employees for doing the right thing. She should move to where her attire will be the norm. Not here Bi&ch. Move. (map)

    1. Race is their first and only card to play. But it's not working anymore.

  13. SHe is a nothing burger and no one is listening. All you have to do is read her page and if you have half a brain you will easily be able to decipher her loyalties. She slams one of Robs employees while having damaging posts on her own page. To her the only opinion that counts is hers. Her MO is hate. She's a victim. Boo hoo.

  14. I just checked out her Facebook page. Apparently she has some kind of connection to Parkside High. She is also some kind of a nutjob.

  15. Within less than 5 minutes they are now all over Facebook calling me a racist. Keep it up and trust me, (while I am no racist and never have been) you'll be driving me in that direction if every time someone disagrees with you and your intentions I'll be targeted as a racist. THINK hard before you keep pulling that crap because I'm sure a LOT of people will agree with me, enough is enough. I'm NOT going to spend the rest of my life being FORCED to prove I am on your side. Such bullshit, shame on all of you.

  16. Hey Sarra! Drop that ridiculous rag you have tied around your neck and on your head. Seems your brain if you even have one is lacking blood and you are unable to think. This happens to all races all the time. Only a piss poor example of a human being would ever say this was due to their race. I agree this filth needs to go back to where she came from because lying trouble makers are not welcome. Call me a hater I don't care. I can't stand and have no use for losers are looking for attention by crying racism.

  17. Personally, I don't think this person is even a SHE. With the recent antics of Chelsea UnManning it may only be looking to run for political office.

  18. LOL like being called a racist means anything. If you get right down to it being called a racist is a compliment anymore. It means you are telling the truth and people like this Sarra Liar hate hearing the truth.

  19. She should check out Millies in Vienna.

  20. Joe, we with brains know better. Thank you for what you and your family put up with for you to able to do what you do for us. Thank you so very much. (map)

  21. Sounds like a setup much like those gay couples suing bakers. I’d get a lawyer, Rob. Have one on hand just in case. And yes, if she’s in hijab 🧕 then she shouldn’t be drinking alcohol because it’s forbidden.

  22. Interestingly enough on her Facebook post this young lady also is videotaping wait staff. Did she tell them she was recording them. Because I believe in the state of Maryland that’s against the law!

  23. 4:08 it's okay to record the staff. There is no expectation of privacy in a restaurant.

  24. 4:03, Trust me, Rob already retained a lawyer and should consider a future lawsuit, depending how far this young lady carries this. If she continues to defame this business and they continue to bash him on review sites, he has every right to sue and claim losses. This is going to truly bite her in the a$$. MO MATTER WHAT, any business with a liquor license has every right to refuse serving alcohol to ANY person who's ID is questionable. Rob, (and staff) would never discriminate, period.

  25. Well she really has sum balls for someone who is on case search just saying we know where you live not smart to mess with inocent people smart one hence nina ln fruitland just saying

    1. Someone from md should have a md id i would think

    2. That’s a narrow minded thought. I’m from Salisbury, MD (born and raised 18 yrs) & I don’t have a current MD ID. It’s called traveling. Many people do it straight out of high school for college, better jobs, or going out in the military. You don’t get a state ID or license without having some Kind of home of record as proof

  26. One tube of lipstick per day!

  27. 4:23, It was not recorded IN a restaurant. It was recorded on a PUBLIC STREET.

  28. She should be more concerned with female discrimination in her religion.....um I mean political movement.

  29. 4:23 PM you are so wrong, you can not record conversation without advising the other party that you are. Video yes, conversation no. This is a two party consent state

    Video is an easy yes you can record without the other person's knowledge. Audio depends on whether the recording is in an area where the people being recorded had an expectation of privacy. Maryland's wiretap statute prohibits recording a "private" conversation.

    Just because I am out to dinner doesn't mean I don't want my conversation to be private or that I automatically consent to it being recorded.

  30. Shame, holiday season (off time with SU students away) was ok. Now this AND the SU snowflakes are returning! SU Spring Fling is a matter of months away!

    Oh the joy our Salisbury society has become!


  31. Joe - on her fb page one of the vids was in a restaurant.

    4:23 - wrong
    When must you get permission from everyone involved before recording?

    Eleven states require the consent of every party to a phone call or CONVERSATION in order to make the recording lawful. These "two-party consent" laws have been adopted in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington.

  32. Sarra - you are everything WRONG with racism. Enjoy the rest of your miserable life - hopefully very FAR away from our eastern shore of Maryland!


  33. If you would consider the aggressive enforcement of our liquor laws by Wicomico County and the MSP can you really blame a server of alcohol to be very cautious about accepting a questionable ID? From what I am reading this is being made out to be way more than it is. Is it really that big of a deal to have to drink?

  34. I haven’t been to Market Street in quite some time. After this I’ll be sure to patronize frequently. Good job Rob to you and your staff.

  35. Me and the little lady are headed over to Market Street right now to enjoy Salisburys best food, service and atmosphere....

  36. She state the following and this is where her accusations fall apart -

    The employee didn’t stop there, he then decided to call the affiliated Mojo’s staff and tell them to refuse us service as well, forming a nice little united front against some of the only POCs at Market Street that night. When I requested reasoning for the denial, they stated that our IDs were fake, The employee didn’t stop there, he then decided to call the affiliated Mojo’s staff and tell them to refuse us service as well, forming a nice little united front against some of the only POCs at Market Street that night. When I requested reasoning for the denial, they stated that our IDs were fake....

    I gather she is unaware an Joel Oliver's nationality or that he is a Person of Color (her term)

    So Mojo's - owned by a POC refused to serve her because she was a POC?


  37. I've been out with my kids on many occasions, who have out of state i.d.s, and they've been denied service until I verify their birth dates. I get it. It's not worth losing a liquor license.

  38. I think she needs to take another selfie - smdh

  39. If this is Sarra Malik from Fruitland (how many can there be?) she probably doesn't have a valid ID because her driver's license was suspended a few months ago.

    1. She finally paid it after 3 weeks suspended

  40. She is a graduate of UMES. That explains all. Her "education" consists only of seeing things in black and white. When something doesn't go her way she was brainwashed into screaming racism and being a good slave to the democrat party she does it without question.

  41. 6:35 You can still have a license if it is suspended, you just can't drive.

  42. My concern with this is that they were told if the police verified the ID's they would get served. The police verified them and they were still not served. Why?

  43. She said it was 2 of her friends not her whose ID were in question. If she were a decent well brought up person she would be thanking Market Street for being so diligent in trying to not serve minors. Her parents failed her miserably and they should be ashamed of themselves. Their heads should be dragging the ground in shame over their very bad parenting of her.

  44. Jim, When customers make a scene because two are refused service for having questionable ID's, one of the options was to call the Police because of their actions, NOT to confirm ID's. A Police Officer CANNOT tell a business with a liquor license they have to serve someone, period.

    This letter from the owner was to provide the OTHER SIDE of the story because ONE individual was defaming them. I believe Mr. Mulford delivered a wonderful reply to the situation. He explained that they strive to please everyone but everyone knows you cannot please all customers no matter what you do.

    If I were Rob I'd file a lawsuit for defamation immediately. It's time this group understand there are consequences for their "racist" actions.

  45. Her father taught (or maybe still) at UMES so that explains her difficulties even more. She has been reduced to nothing but a tool for the democrat party.

  46. Lil Sarra is quickly becoming our eastern shores' biggest POS!

    Can she overtake Jakey Boy? We shall see, indeed!

  47. She states she is from Sudan and she is Muslim. Didn't think they drank alcohol any way.

    1. Well look more into her fb why doesnt she just say its trumps fault so im guessing this is his fault to stfu and untighten ur jihab and she also said white people were taking there style 1st of all didnt know there were 8000 gods come on with this religion bs and in america and whole planet answer this where did god or any of them come from just saying religion and split of people are based on false gods honsetly best way for peace is seperate religion from everyday bs like this she said o 4 women of color 1st of all 2 were denied dumbass not 4 and ur muslum they dont drink supposely well guess what there lying they do this right here u want to post is proof so get your color and religion bullshit somewhere else like i said go to your muslim countries and try to act like this and order a drink ur not supposed to you wont have to post anything after so boooo whooo clickbait

  48. She is claiming (lying really) they were denied service. What was denied was 2 of them alcohol. She was not denied anything! This proves she is a liar and not one thing that comes out of her mouth is to ever be believed. That the ID was said to be valid by the officers really means nothing. The number one method used by underage persons to get a bar to sell them a drink is to use a borrowed ID of someone over 21. Anyway bottom lie she is a POS liar. She wasn't denied a thing.

  49. She IS a Liar. She IS claiming they were denied service. All you have to do is listen to the video and it proves she is nothing but a piece of shit liar. The server clearly says it's just alcohol that she can't serve them. LIAR Sarra Malik. Oh and Liar Sarra Malik or one of them claims to have a large social media platform or something like that. Well let me set her straight. This is the biggest platform and she very well may be slapped back down right back into the shithole from which she emerged and where she belongs! Lying piece of shit and yes that sperm injector "father" she has is a piss poor excuse of a human being to have raised such a liar.

  50. The liar needs to trot her arse right back to Sudan. The last thing the US needs are liars like her. She was NOT denied service. She's a liar. The server in the video is ready to serve them anything but alcohol. Lying garbage!

  51. Mkt St Inn could be fined for serving minors. They did the right thing. Libs are using the racist label to distract from the positive things happening in this country since the GOP took over. They're spreading their venom with the help of the MSM.

  52. What is wrong with you people? Muslim woman of color presents fake ID, is denied service, white man owner must pay and go to jail. After all, she was offended, and he did not provide her a safe space.

  53. If anyone has seen the girls video of the night. She was denied because of her id. Okay they had spd come check them out. They cleared as real id’s and were still denied service. Then tried to go to mojos and someone had called to stop that as well. Why was she not let in after spd said they were real at this point. They girls were very nice in the video and seem to just want to get in and have a drink for one of their birthdays. Race only became a factor when they were not let in after the Id issue was cleared.

    1. I was denied the purchase of alcohol when I was 21. Had 2 legal forms of ID. Still denied. Oh BTW, I'm white.

  54. It is how Muslims will take over America, by using Libtards as their fools...

  55. 6:49 PM she is an adult - her parents had nothing to do with this. Your statement is just as ignorant as hers. Typical Smallsbury.

  56. My family and I enjoy your establishment and stand by your side in this ordeal ....it's very unfortunate that it's a part of today's society that one persons actions and consequences are not paid in due for the happened chance they are of any other race then the other party in said situation......racism is more alive today only because it's used as a deterrent for paying consequences ...racism lays in the eyes of the ones who walk around and separate themselves by color who brings race into the situation first and who use it to their advantage to rise above another due to their skin color......I hope when this is said and done this lady is made example of and pays dearly for her ignorance

  57. I've worked in the kitchen, she has no idea that if she stayed, and ate dinner, half the kitchen staff is NOT WHITE, and would have cooked her the best meal in Salisbury. Smdh.

  58. That race card BS is not playing out like it use too. I'm glad Rob and his employees stood the ground of caution. I have supported MSI for over 20 yrs and will continue to do so..

  59. you have to admit, that is a pretty leopard skin on her head

  60. 4:49, that's a run-on sentence.

    Now my brain hurts.

    What was it you wanted?

  61. The alcohol laws are no joke she didn't get her way and of course in her small racist mind it's because of skin color... There was no need for an explanation this was a set up by a race baiter we will continue to support you Rob be glad she won't be back.

  62. Get her name out there...Any future employer I'm sure would want to know what kind of character she has or lack of ass in this case. She will be trouble for anyone that hires her and her worthless participant UMES degree

  63. 9:33 they were not DENIED SERVICE. She herself posted the video proving that she is a liar. What was denied was alcohol. There is a big difference in being denied service and just a drink that contains alcohol. She's a typical democrat. They all lie constantly. She needs to get rid of the scarf and put a vagina hat on her head. She fits right in with the rest of those lying nasty garbage cans.

  64. #1---I don't understand why they weren't served alcohol but at this point that is here nor there and not what this is about.

    #2---They are claiming to be denied "service." That is not true. The waitress clearly says in the video "you can est." That is not being denied service.

    #3---The big question is when and why did they decide to twist this into a racial issue when in the video she herself says it's a "matter of pride."

    Conclusion: That's all this was-a matter of pride-and there was no need to try and turn it into a racial issue. That is dishonesty at it's finest.

  65. Both sides were wrong but she did take it a step further and instead of being truthful and saying it was due to pride (like she was claiming at first) she decided to jump on the race card bandwagon. Also she is not being truthful in saying it was service they were denied and that is the point of Rob's post. Her own video she posted on her own FB prove they were not being denied service. Saying they were denied service plays better into their race card narrative but it's not the truth. It's a gross exaggeration of what really happened.

  66. This brings to mind the article (on this blog) about Cathy's Pet Salon that appears to me to be a parallel story to this one. It only takes one vicious liar playing on people's emotions to create problems for honest people trying to make a living serving the public...

  67. Enough is enough... this crap of political / racial shit needs to stop. .. Not everything is fair is this country.. we live in the United States if you don’t like it here or uncomfortable about who we are go somewhere else. . Time to have white lives matter rally is Salisbury

  68. It will not harm Market Streets business in any way. As I see it anyone willing to boycott this establishment is a person I would not want to socialize with. So maybe she has done a favor to Market Street. Many people I know will not go to places caudal racist like her. I am not politically correct so I feel she should act like whatever Caucasian person who is obviously in her blood line. It must be tough not knowing exactly who you are. Angry bi-racial young adults are the norm these days. Wow White people we are just off the hook and of a sudden racist what is wrong with us lol. As MLK once said "I have a dream" the man is rolling over in his grave. I only eat where POC are most likely not to be. Sorry it is what it is. Sick of the rhetoric. No worries Market Street you will be fine.

  69. "Anonymous said...

    Post the original fb post and let the public really see what happened.

    January 14, 2018 at 2:37 PM"

    If you mean her original fb post I did read it and she repeatedly lies. She can't stop with that lying she does. She repeatedly is claiming she was denied service as if they were sitting there completely ignored or as if staff told them they couldn't get anything. The truth is they or maybe just the 2 whose id were in question were denied alcohol. A far cry from being denied service. What the public can see is that she is a lying POS so is to be dismissed for the filth that she has proven herself to be.

  70. " I only eat where POC are most likely not to be. Sorry it is what it is"

    That would be racist, 11:17. A 1952 lunch counter is calling you back.

  71. I respect this blog site, (which I probably visit Daily), and I love going to Market Street, but this may not have been the best idea! I never heard of this woman before this Blog and now that I have visited her FB Page it appears she has over 485 people that like/support her in some way shape or form, she has 1,353 people that shared her post, (which is worse), and then a few comments that are mixed feelings about it.

  72. 2:08, I've had 40,209 people click on the title of this article.

  73. That's impressive and powerful. Too bad each of your articles can't display a counter of views as seen in other forum's/blogs.

  74. Is alcohol now an entitlement ?

  75. "That's impressive and powerful. Too bad each of your articles can't display a counter of views as seen in other forum's/blogs"

    Well, golly gee whiz there, 3::01. last time I looked this blog was owned and operated by Joe Albero. That means he can post what he wants and reject what he wants. If you don't like that you have two options.

    1) Start your own blog so you can post what satisfies you. or
    2) Don't read this blog so you don't have to complain about it.

  76. So she is a freaking Muslim. I thought they weren't allowed to partake in alcoholic beverages anyway.

  77. I would encourage everyone who has had an enjoyable experience to write a review for Rob and Market Street.

  78. Smh!!! To say go back where you came from or speak of her head wrap or her speaking of trump is showing a sign of racism.. opinions makes asses out of people

    1. When she falsely accused a person based on the color of his skin that's actual racism... go back to where to came from (stupid but not racism) positively commenting on her hijab(stupid but not racism because it's a religion). However FALSELY ACCUSING a person because of skin color (white) is in fact racist... Being Muslim is a religious choice it's not a race this of often confused. Thank you.

  79. Joe had fake Day made any apologies for his quick jump to judgement on MSI or Mojo's? He should have already but im betting he hasn't. a poophole Mayor for a poophole city.

  80. @ 2:20 what makes her a racist is her actions and black entitlement mentality. She is held to the same laws as the rest of us and just because she's black doesn't mean she gets a pass on alcohol laws. Making a racial allegation that is knowingly false IS RACIST !

  81. I did not know Muslims were allowed to drink! Also, any business that sells alcohol has a right denying anyone they feel has a false, or ID that is hard to confirm! There is a large fine, could loose license for a while.

  82. IF A MANAGER WANTS TO DENY SERVICE FOR ANY REASON THEY HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO SO!!! I have worked in many restaurants and I know that if someone is dining in their restaurant they have the authority to deny service...sometimes it may not always be justified but especially in cases of ID's they can see someone's ID and deny them service. In the Salisbury area I know there is a lot of cases of people having fake ID's from college kids or businesses getting their alcohol license taken away because of selling alcohol to the wrong people. These girls could have been undercover cops for all they knew and that was a risk they did not want to take for the establishment. Everyone just claims race these days and not everyone is being a racist just because they do something you don't like. It is disgusting the amount of hatred on Facebook toward the establishment and the owner/manager should sue for defamation of character and not only to these girls but the other people on Facebook bad mouthing them because I have seen more than one person claim that someone from this establishment "denied entrance because of the way they identified themselves" If someone was denied they had a damn good reason to not let them into Market Street and seriously people need to stop claiming racism/sexism just because they don't "like the way they were treated" these are peoples lives and reputations and I am sure they would not want to be blasted on social media the way they have blasted this establishment.


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